National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
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No.PF-01(a)/2017 Dated: 10th November, 2017
Shri A.N Nanda
Secretary, Department of Post
Dak Bhawan
New Delhi -110001
Subject: - Non Settlements of long pending demands- call of agitational programs - regarding
The Federal Secretariat meeting of NFPE with available General Secretaries and NFPE office bearers held at NFPE office North Avenue Post Office, Building New Delhi has reviewed the whole situation arisen out of so many policy offensive and attacks unleashed by the Government of India by the way of authorizing nationalized banks and private banks for doing business of National small savings schemes, making the IPPB (India Post Payment Bank) as a corporate entity, proposal of closure of A.P.S, appointment of out sourced Postal Delivery agents, cancellation of G.D.S membership verification, Delay in implementation of GDS Committee Report , Amendment in Rectt. rules of P.A. Non filling up of vacant posts in all cadres, non implementation of cadre restructuring proposals for other categories and non declaration of result of regular membership verification and so many other issues.
After a detailed and threadbare discussion the Federal Secretariat has reached to a conclusion that it is the need of hour to resist all these policy offensives and attacks by way of struggles and serious agitational programmes culminating in to indefinite strike.
The federal secretariat has decided the following programme of action to achieve the demands as mentioned in charter of demands.
1. Two days Relay hunger fast in front of all Divisional offices on 28th and 29th November 2017 (All Employees will wear Black Badges containing demands and will send resolution addressed to Prime ā Minister).
2. Mass Dharna in front of All C.P.M.G offices on 20th December 2017
3. 5 Days Relay Dharna in front of Parliament from 12th to 16th February 2018. (All Circles will participates in Dharna day wise).
4. After that Indefinite Strike will be declared
1. Implementation of positive recommendations of Kamlesh Chandra Committee Report for GDS
2. Membership verification of GDS and declaration of result of regular membership verification.
3. Filling up of all vacant posts in all Cadres of Deptt of Post i.e P.A.S.A, Postmen, Mail guard, mailmen, MTS,MMS Drivers and artisans, P.A CO. P.A SBCO, Postal Actts and GDS. Drop the move of amendment in P.A. S.A., P.A.CO & P.A. SBCO Recruitment Rules.
4. Implement CSI, and RICT only after providing all required infrastructure including band width and stop harassment , victimization in the name of new schemes , technology induction, under contributory negligence factor and trade union victimization.
5. Stop out sourcing privatization and Corporatization.
6. Payment of revised wages and arrears to the casual, part time, contingent and daily rated mazdoors as per 6th & 7th CPC and settle other issues of Casual Laboures.
7. Implement cadre restructuring for left out categories i.e. RMS, MMS, PACO, PASBCO Postmaster Cadre, Postal Actts etc and accept the modifications suggested by federation before implementation of cadre restructuring in Postal Group āCā.
8. Withdraw N.P.S (contributory Pension Scheme) Guarantee 50% of last pay drawn as minimum pension.
9. Implement 5 days week in Postal Operative offices.
10. Stop move of diversion of business of P.O SB Schemes to Banks (Nationalized and Private)
11. Stop move of closure of Army Postal Service.
12. Grant OSA and OTA to RMS staff and special allowances for P.O & R.M.S Accounts.
13. Finalization of Recruitment Rules of AAOS IN Postal Accounts with 40% S.C.F quota as approved by DOPT.
14. Status of Audit to SBCO.
15. Benefit of SDBS to retried GDS employees.
Yours Comradely,
(R N Parashar)
Secretary General
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