Update to Meghdoot 7.9.7
Release Document
Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology, Mysore 570010
Friday, 28th April, 2017
Meghdoot Version 7.9.7
1. Brief Description
2. Application details
3. Pre-Requisite
4. General Instructions for up-gradation
5. Detailed up-gradation procedure
6. New features/modifications
1. Brief Description
Consequent on release of Megdhoot Update 7.9.6 on 04.11.2016, many new requirements have been received from Directorate for incorporation in various Meghdoot modules. Based on those orders, following major modifications have been carried out and included in this Meghdoot Update 7.9.7.
ü Booking of Regd letters/parcels/Money orders/Speed post (both Foreign and domestic) through Debit/Credit Card Payment Option (Point of Sale)
ü Implementation of discount structure in case of domestic Speed post and Express parcels booked (both for retail customers and BNPL Parcel customers) (Point of Sale and BNPL Parcel)
ü Separate Account heads for eCommerce activities right from booking to Payment (All Megdhoot modules).
ü Removal of option “Disaster Recovery” , as issue of Money Order has been stopped w.e.f. 16.11.2016 (Postman)
ü Removal of option “Request for electronic Data”, as provision for Data Entry of COD articles has been made in case of non receipt of electronic data (Postman)
ü Compulsory returns for all the Accountable articles sent to Branch Posts Offices, before 30 days of invoicing (Postman)
ü Handling SP COD articles booked for TNF locations ([Postman, ePayment, RNet Communication).
ü Separate head of account ‘ATM Cash Pmts’ to account for the amount remitted to Bangalore GPO against the cash deposited in ATM (Treasury and AccountsMIS)
ü Creation of separate head of accounts to account for the Cash adjustments made with IPPB Counter by the Post Office where IPPB Counter is co-located in the PO premises (Sub Accounts, Treasury and AccountsMIS)
Besides the above major modifications many minor modifications/enhancements have been made. Complete details of modifications done in each application are furnished in Section 6 [New features / Modifications]. This document acts as an upgrade guide for upgrading the Meghdoot applications from 7.9.6.
2. Application details.
This Update of Meghdoot 7.9.7 consists of the following applications:
1. Point of sale
2. ePayment
3. Postman
4. Treasury
5. Subaccounts
6. MO Compilation
7. RNet Communication
8. BNPL Parcel
9. Accounts
10. AccountsPBS
11. Accounts MIS
3. Pre-Requisite
The pre-requisite is Meghdoot Update 7.9.6 released by CEPT on 04.11.2016, which is available on ftp site at location ftp://cept.gov.in/Meghdoot7/Updates/meghdootupdate7.9.6/
4. General Instructions for Up-gradation
Ø Ensure that Up-gradation is carried out after Day End in all modules.
Ø Ensure that the office is upgraded with Meghdoot 7.9.6
Ø Ensure that backups of all databases and mdb files are taken and securely preserved.
Ø Ensure 100% successful running of the database up-gradation. If any error occurs while executing any exl file, please send the log file to CEPT Help Desk (Support@ceptmysore.net)
Ø Please upgrade the applications in the following order:
v Point of Sale
v ePayment
v Postman
v Treasury
v Subaccounts
v MO Compilation
v RNet Communication
v BNPL Parcel
v Accounts
v AccountsPBS
v AccountsMIS
5. Detailed Up- gradation Procedure (Please follow the order mentioned below strictly)
v Point of Sale
ü Stop Point of Sale application and ensure that other POS related applications are not running.
ü Take a backup of Counter, eMO databases
ü Run Counter.exl file using script tool.
ü Run emo.exl file using script tool
ü If your office is McCamish enabled, then rename the existing pointofsale.exe to pointofsale796.exe and copy the new Pointofsale.exe available in “For McCamish Offices” folder in the same location.
ü If your office is McCamish disabled, then rename the existing pointofsale.exe to pointofsale796.exe and copy the new Pointofsale.exe available in “For Non McCamish Offices” folder in the same location.
ü Replace the existing EbillHOLib.dll file with the new EbillHOLib.dll file of Meghdoot 7.9.7 in the same location and register the dll file.
v ePayment
ü Stop ePayment Client application.
ü Ensure that other ePayment related applications are not running.
ü Replace the existing ePaymentClient.exe with the new one in the same location.
ü Upgrade eCounter database by running eCounter.exl file with script tool.
ü Afterwards, run eCounter_POCodes.exl file with script tool.
v Postman
ü Replace existing Postman.exe with new one.
ü Replace existing EMODelivery.dll with new one.
ü Replace existing EVPDelivery.dll with new one.
ü Register both EMODelivery.dll and EVPDelivery.dll with administrator credentials.
ü Run Postman.exl file with script tool.
v Treasury
ü Rename the existing Treasurer.exe and copy the new Treasurer.exe in the same location.
ü Run the Treasury.exl file using the script tool.
v Subaccounts
ü Rename the existing SubAccounts.exe and copy the new SubAccounts.exe in the same location.
ü Run Supplysubaccounts.exl file with script tool.
v MOCompilation
ü Replace the old 7.9.3 exe with the attached MOCompilation.exe of 7.9.7 version.
ü Run MOCompilationDBversion7.9.7.exl using scrip tool
v RNet Communication
ü Replace existing RNet Communication.exe with the new one in the same location.
v BNPL Parcel
ü Rename existing exe and replace it with the new PBC_Project.exe in the same location.
ü Run BNPLParcel.exl file using script tool.
v Accounts
ü Rename the existing Accounts.exe and replace it with latest Meghdoot 7.9.7 Accounts.exe
v AccountsPBS
ü Rename the existing Schedule.exe and replace it with latest Meghdoot 7.9.7 Schedule.exe
ü First, run Schedule1.exl file and then run Schedule2.exl file with script tool in same order.
v AccountsMIS
ü Stop Accounts MIS Client application if running.
ü Rename the existing AccountHeads.xml and copy the new AccountHeads.xml in the same location.
6. New Features/Modifications done in this Update 7.9.7
I) Point of Sale
ü Provision for booking Regd letters/parcels, Money orders and Speed post articles of Foreign and domestic through Debit/Credit Card Payment Option.
ü Provision for booking EMS articles to Finland.
ü Provision to accept Jeevan - Praman Life certificate request from the EPFO pensioners through UCR
ü Provision to accept employment Registration Charges through UCR. As per the orders received vide Dte lr no.10-13/2016 RB dated 15.03.2017, a new UCR purpose has been added as Employment Registration Charges for registering the unemployed youth in the NCS portal based on the request received from unemployed youth. For doing registration with NCS portal a fee of Rs.15/- has to be charged under UCR by selecting the purpose as Employment Registration Charges.
ü Provision of discount in case of domestic Speed post and Express parcel bookings as per the Dte letter no. 10-23/2013-BD & MD dated 23.01.2017.
ü As per the Ministry of communications, Gazette notification dated 10.08.2016 regarding revision of foreign postage rates a new service has been introduced. i.e, Sending of Blind Literature packets through SAL has been introduced. And the same has been provided in this release. The option is available under Foreign Mail à SALà Registered Blind Literature
ü Amount validation while accepting Sovereign Gold Bond [SGB] applications from the Customers.
ü New ecommerce related heads are added for doing UCR transactions as mentioned below.
Sl. No.
Account Head Name
Account Head Description
Receipt/ Payment
Speed Post
eCom SP Revenue
Revenue on Booking of Speed Post articles
Speed Post
eCom SP Adv Dep
Advance Deposit made for Speed Post
Express Parcel
eCom EP Revenue
Revenue on Booking of Express Parcel articles
Express Parcel
eCom EP Adv Dep
Advance Deposit made for Express Parcels
Business Parcel
eCom BP Revenue
Revenue on Booking of Business Parcel articles
Business Parcel
eCom BP Adv Dep
Advance Deposit made for Business Parcels
Detailed procedure for booking of transactions with Credit/Debit card payment option is furnished under Section 1 of the “Annexure” document.
II) Postman
ü As per Directorate Orders, issue of eMO for the COD articles delivered is stopped w.e.f.16.11.2016. Therefore, option of Disaster Recovery is disable in this Update.
ü As provision is already available to create the data of COD articles manually where electronic data is not received, option of Requesting for electronic data is disabled in this Update.
ü COD Data Entry form modified, so that day entry can be done even if Booking Office/Booking Date information is not available at the time of invoicing the articles.
ü ECommerce heads added in submit accounts
ü Change in reasons for Registered article return NOT KNOWN --- NOT KNOWN RETURN TO SENDER.
ü TNF location included for delivery of SPCOD.
ü Checking of BO Articles Return during Day End process
ü BO Delivery performance captured for KPI.
III) Treasury
ü Creation of separate head of account ‘ATM Cash Pmts’ under General Payment’s category to account for the amount remitted to Bangalore GPO against the cash deposited in ATM.
ü Provision to account for the amounts of ‘ATM Cash Pmts’ in Post Office accounts in the relevant Daily Account, Summary, Cash Book etc.
ü Creation of separate head of account ‘RSRPL Sale Comm’ under General Receipt’s category to account for the amount deducted from the Net amount paid to the RSRPL Biller towards COD payments.
ü Creation of separate head of account ‘RSRPL Comm Paid’ under General Payment’s category to account for the amount paid to the BPM/DoP Staff/DoP as per the rates fixed towards Sales Commission.
ü Provision to show the amount of ‘RSRPL Sale Comm’ deducted from the RSRPL Biller in respect of each COD article paid in the COD Payment Report of the Biller.
ü Provision to account for the amounts of ‘RSRPL Sale Comm’, ‘RSRPL Comm Paid’ in Post Office accounts in the relevant Daily Account, Summary, Cash Book etc.
ü Modifications for handling the Swipe Machine vouchers collected from POS Counter in Treasury.
ü In case of GPOs/HOs where transaction amount for single account head exceeding the 100 crore, currently HO summary showing only amount up to 99 crore, the same is modified for showing the amount above 100 crore.
ü While login into treasury module the users will be listed as per day begin status of treasury i.e. before day begin in treasury module only supervisor login name will be available. Once day begin over all users will be shown in login name.
ü The following new account heads are created for the purpose of eCommerce COD.
Sl. No.
Account Head Name
Account Head Description
Receipt/ Payment
Speed Post
eCom SP Revenue
Revenue on Booking of Speed Post articles
Speed Post
eCom SP Adv Dep
Advance Deposit made for Speed Post
Speed Post
Collection on Delivery of SPCOD Delivered articles
Speed Post
eCom SPCOD Fee
Fee Deducted on Payment of COD amount to the Customer
Speed Post
eCom SPCOD Pmts
SPCOD Payment to Customer
Express Parcel
eCom EP Revenue
Revenue on Booking of Express Parcel articles
Express Parcel
eCom EP Adv Dep
Advance Deposit made for Express Parcels
Express Parcel
Collection on Delivery of EPCOD Delivered articles
Express Parcel
eCom EPCOD Fee
Fee Deducted on Payment of COD amount to the Customer
Express Parcel
eCom EPCOD Pmts
EPCOD Payment to Customer
Business Parcel
eCom BP Revenue
Revenue on Booking of Business Parcel articles
Business Parcel
eCom BP Adv Dep
Advance Deposit made for Business Parcels
Business Parcel
Collection on Delivery of BPCOD Delivered articles
Business Parcel
eCom BPCOD Fee
Fee Deducted on Payment of COD amount to the Customer
Business Parcel
eCom BPCOD Pmts
BPCOD Payment to Customer
ü Provision to account for the amounts of the above mentioned 15 eCommerce COD account heads in Post Office accounts in the relevant Daily Account, Summary, Cash Book etc.
ü Creation of separate head of accounts to account for the Cash adjustments made with IPPB Counter by the Post Office where IPPB Counter is co-located in the PO premises.
Detailed Procedure for ATM Cash Replenishment, handling Swiped vouchers, Cash adjustment with IPPB Counters in Treasury module are furnished under Section-2 of Annexure document.
IV) MOCompilation
ü “Overflow error” fixed while fetching emo issue or paid entry delete or modify option for offices having number of transactions more than 32767.
V) RNet Communication
ü Option provided for viewing the Office ID of BNPL, Postman, PoS applications through Toolsà Office Configuration
VI) BNPL Parcel
ü Revised discount structure implemented.
ü 1% additional discount will be offered to contractual customers who provide booking data in the prescribed electronic format at the time of booking.
ü In case monthly revenue is more than 25 lakhs additional discount for such customers will be 2%.
ü In respect of booking data received with a paper manifest only, the discount amount offered to the contractual customer would be reduced by half.
ü Customers are differentiated as Ecommerce and Non Ecommerce customers. This will be reflected in all the reports as ECom and NonECom.
VII) AccountsPBS
ü Creation of Encrypted files for pension upload in Finacle.
ü New Schedule for Account Head ATM Cash Payments.
ü Income Tax integration for Pensioners.
ü Additional quantum calculation error for converted pensioners fixed
ü Doubling of Number of transactions for certain billers is fixed while fetching from HO counter
Detailed Procedure for the above modifications done in AccountsPBS application are furnished under Section 3 of Annexure document.
VIII) AccountsMIS
ü Capturing the details of Cash Transferred for ATMs and IPPB Cash remittance details
ü Separate reports “Cash transferred for ATMs” and “Cash to/from IPPB” provided in Accounts MIS website.
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