No. P3NFPE – Odisha / 08 – 02 / 2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 23rd February, 2017
Dr. Santosh Ku. Kamila, IPoS
Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle
Bhubaneswar – 751 001
Sub : Permission to the selected representatives of AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha Circle for discussion with the Chief PMG, Odisha on implementation of Cadre Restructuring Proposal of Group-C Postal Employees in Odisha Circle - Request regarding.
Respected Sir,
Most regretfully, we would like to bring it to your kind notice that though we had requested vide our letter dated 27.01.2017 first to complete the selection process for HSG-I and HSG-II cadre and then go for LSG cadre to avoid any dislocation in managing the huge number of vacant posts under both the higher selection grades, our letter was neither acknowledged nor responded till date.
We are in doubt if our letter has been brought to the kind notice of the Chief PMG or not.
Contradictorily, the Circle Office has now completed the DPC for LSG cadre and the approved officials have been allotted region-wise vide C O Memo No. ST/26-6(1)/2017(Postal), dated 23.02.2017.
After analyzing the above memo we noticed some deficiencies as follows.
1. The names of some senior officials especially belonging to reserved category are seen omitted.
2. While 7 Divisions have been allotted with 94 surplus LSG officials, 191 such officials were found short in rest 11 Divisions in comparison to the respective Divisional sanctioned strength which may create serious dislocation while adjusting the surplus officials from one Division in another Division(s) which fall(s) short of the sanctioned strength. Now question arises as to how these vacancies will be filled in to keep the sanctioned strength constant. The Cadre Restructuring Proposal is silent about the issue and there is no guideline from the Directorate in this regard. It is also not known whether Circle Office has sought for any clarification from the Directorate.
3. The approved list contains the name of some SAs, B Es, Trainers, CPC Supervisors and PLI Group Leaders also who are now supposed to be posted as LSG SPMs in the identified S Os since the existing posts against which these employees are working are not created and have not also been identified as LSG.
Now question arises as to how these posts will be manned if they are diverted from the current jobs. There may be complete dislocation in undertaking the day to day activities with regard to system failure and software issues if the experienced S As are diverted. Alternatively, if they are retained in their posts, then the proposed LSG posts against the said officials will remain vacant and the T S P As may be forced to work without any financial benefit which will be an injustice to them.
4. In this context, our opinion is that that there will be serious dislocation in functional activities of the post offices since the posting order is being issued first for LSG cadre before filling the posts in HSG-I and HSG-II cadre under the cadre restructuring proposal. Since all the existing LSG posts have now been upgraded to HSG-II cadre, the existing LSG officials will certainly be disturbed from the present posts. Thus almost all the HSG-II posts will remain vacant till the exiting LSG officials are eligible for promotion as per the present norm.
Similar will be the position in HSG-I cadre also.
Thus, question arises as to how to manage these large number of HSG-II and HSG-I posts in the absence of eligible officials. Undoubtedly, the P As will be forced to man these posts without pay and seniority benefits and that will be a great injustice to such employees.
The above situations are just illustrative. We may come across several such deficiencies during the implementation of this Cadre Restructuring Proposal.
Under the circumstances, we would like to request you to kindly to allow some selected representatives nominated by us as follows for a cordial discussion with the Official Side Chaired by the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle on the above issues before issuing the posting orders against the approved LSG officials.
And till such time issue of posting orders to the approved LSG officials may kindly be stopped.
Sri Trilochan Parida
President, AIPEU, Group - C, Odisha Circle & B E, Uditnagar HO, Sundergarh
Sri Bruhaspati Samal
Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group - C, Odisha Circle & Postmaster, Ashoknagar MDG, Bhubaneswar – 751 009
Sri G C Padhiary
Vice-President, AIPEU, Group - C, Odisha Circle & P A, Balasore HO
Sri Pradeep Ku. Satpathy
Asst. Secretary, AIPEU, Group - C, Odisha Circle & P A, Burla MDG, Sambalpur
Sri Bishnu Prasad Das
Financial Secretary, AIPEU, Group - C, Odisha Circle & P A, Cuttack GPO
Sri Basant Ku. Pathy
Organizing Secretary, AIPEU, Group - C, Odisha Circle & Accountant, Aska H O
Awaiting your kind response, Sir.
With regards.
Yours faithfully,
Circle Secretary
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