Dear Comrades,
The Meghdoot 7.9.3 and SpeedNet 4.3 are released by CEPT. The offices using these software can download it from the ftp site of CEPT. On the ftp site, along with the software checklist of activities to be performed is also made available by CEPT. As instructed by the Director, Centre for Excellence in Postal Technology,Mysore - 570 010 vide eMail dated 14.10.2015, all the system administrators who are undertaking the installation activity may be instructed to perform the activities mentioned in the check list, strictly in the sequence mentioned there in. They are further directed to fill up the check list, sign and submit it to the Divisional Head.
CEPT will gear up its help desk to resolve any unforeseen issues encountered either at the time of installation or after installation of the new software.
We are reproducing the gist of issues rectified and new features added for information of our staff members.
= U SAHU =
Secretary, AIPEU, Gr.-C, Dhenkanal
Meghdoot Version 7.9.3
(Release Document For Post Offices and Parcel Booking Centres )
Issues rectified and new features added
Point of Sale:
New Features
1) Provision for configuring the following parameters related to Postal Life Insurance(PointOfSale)
· service Tax - PLI First Year Premium
· Service Tax - PLI Subsequent Premium
· Education Cess - PLI First Year Premium
· Education Cess - PLI Subsequent Premium
· PLI Sales Tax (J&K)
2) Automatic Calculation of Service tax , education cess and sales tax for PLI\RPLI transactions(PointOfSale)
3) Provision for Accepting the PLI policies of Jammu and Kashmir from Post offices in other parts of India with the Sales tax applicable and provision for accepting the policies of other parts of India at Post offices of Jammu and Kashmir with the applicable service tax. (PointOfSale)
4) Updation of Service Tax which is effective from 1.6.2015 for the following services
a. Speed Post
b. New Pension Scheme
c. World Net Express
5) Service tax in the shift reports of PLI and RPLI transactions. (PointOfSale)
6) Provision for booking Orissa High Court Articles. (PointOfSale)
7) Automatic fetching of data for BESCOM and the freezing of relevant fields while doing ePayment transactions. (PointOfSale)
8) Discontinuation of surface mail to Oman post. (PointOfSale)
9) Incorporated the latest WNX Tariff modification. (PointOfSale)
10) Enhanced the maximum limit of VP Amount above which insurance is mandatory. (PointOfSale)
10) Only barcode scanning will be allowed for inputting CRNumber while doing RMFS transactions through ePayment(PointOfSale)
11) Incorporated the revised Allocation of circle wise barcode series for notices/Summons of HighCourts (PointOfSale)
12) Discontinuation of eVP service.
Bugs Fixed
1) Rectified the error while taking UCR Detailed Report.(PointOfSale)
2) Issue with reversal of IATA code in Airway Bill (PDF) resolved.
3) Issue with enabling of state list for USA is resolved.
4) Issue with populating of pincodes when the booking is done for Singapore is resolved. Now, the operator can enter the pincode directly instead of waiting for the system to load 8 lakh pincode entries for Singapore.
5) Issue with calculation of DOP commission after revision of service tax rates is resolved.
6) Error noticed while configuring new Airway Bill series is rectified.
New features
1) Provision for incorporating the mobile number while accepting the article from other sources (Despatch).
2) Modified bulk special journal upload to accept sender's mobile number. (Despatch).
3) Modified booking special journal to accept sender's mobile number. (Despatch).
4) Scanning of articles will be faster while bag closing. (Despatch)
5) For MBC /BPC office, Booking, bagging and dispatching articles can be done by any shift login user.
6) Direct bag provision for Parcel bag type for PO's. (Despatch)
7) Default Direct bag close provision for MBC/BPC Offices. (Despatch)
8) Office master data upload to BNPLParcel Database. (Despatch)
9) Validating COD articles. (Despatch)
New features
1) Option for invoicing Bulk Remitter returned to Sender eMOs to a Bulk payee.
BNPL Parcel
New Features
1) Incorporated mobile number while manual detailed booking / excel upload.
2) Provision made to calculate tax amount for each transaction in case of advance customer.
Bugs Fixed
1) Rectified the run time error while generating monthly bill.
2) Rectified the run time error while booking insured article for which insured amount > 33000
New Features:
1) Cod article resend message will generate automatically if the message is not available during the bag opening time.
2) Day end is not possible without the verification of cod article delivered at BO.
3) While giving the BO remark of COD article, BO summary date can be given.
4) A new status column has been added in the ‘Request Resend for parcel COD Article’ option which will show the status of the article in central server. Ex: Message not available in Server, This is a RTS article etc.
5) Two new messages are provided during the login time to notify the Disaster pending articles and BO delivered article pending for BO COD verification by the Supervisor.
6) A new message is provided at the BO remark option if any foreign article is pending for taking returns.
New Features:
1) While generating PLI/RPLI transaction files along with Daily account files at SOs through Floppy Upload option, additions fields of Service tax, Education Cess, Tax Type are being captured to upload the data in Sub Accounts at HOs for fetching the same by PBS Module.
2) Modifications for the purpose of Court Summons transactions being booked in POS module for the purpose of Submit account.
Sub Accounts:
New Features:
1) Provision for fetching additional columns of ServiceTax, EducationCess, TaxType while uploading daily account files of SOs at HOs through Floppy Upload option for the purpose of PLI/RPLI Schedules (Subaccounts).
2) Modifications for the purpose of Tally re-booked transactions of PLI/RPLI done at BOs (Subaccounts).
R Net Communication:
New Features:
1) WNX related data will be transmitted to new DHL ftp server.
Bugs fixed:
1) Rectified the run time error “invalid column name AddresseeMobileNumber” in case of offices which are not ePayment enabled offices.
2) Rectified the run time error “Index was outside the bounds of the array".
New Features:
1) Tax type column added in respect of PLI pay recovery and RPLI pay recovery for identify the tax type whether policy belong to service tax or sale tax.
AccountsPBS (Schedules):
New Features:
1. Automatic calculation of PLI RPLI service tax 3.5% for first year premium and 1.75% of renewal premium.
2. PLI RPLI Service tax fetching from Subaccount and counter
3. PLI RPLI service tax report
4. FYST,Renewal ST,Tax type columns in NIC CSV file generation
5. New Tax Type which is 1 for service tax and 2 for sales tax
Bugs Fixed:
1) No of Bills shown as zero while fetching ebill from subaccount is rectified.
MO Compilation:
New Features:
1) Provision for data entry of service eMOs issued at HO/SO has been made available.
2) Provision for configuration of eMOCodes of SOs is provided.
Configure eMOCodes option will show all the SOs under your HO.
1. For each office selected in that office corresponding eMOCode and office Name as per eMO will appear.
2. Select the eMO OfficeName and press ok, automatically the eMOCode will added in configuration table and the office is ready for making data entry for paid and booked data
3. For the offices for which the eMO Codes are not configured the data entry will not be permitted.
4. In eMO Paid data entry, for audit accounting, one new column called audit code is added and the paid eMOs should be sorted audit-wise and data entry should be done.
Bugs Fixed:
1) When two different daily accounts (different dates) of the same office (sub office) are received at HO, MO compilation module is not allowing to enter the data for two daily accounts of the same sub office for the same account date (i.e, HO date). This issue has been now fixed in this release.
New Features in RegisterNet Version 7.9.3 (CRCs)
1) Closing a bag directly to the Bulk Customer: For the bulk customer there will be one option of Invoice to Bulk Customer, here a direct bag will be closed to the bulk customer for all the articles to be delivered to Customer directly from CRC, which is explained below with the help of screen shots.
2) The Bulk Delivery customer can be registered in Parcel Net website by giving the details CustomerName, hub Name etc., by logging in as Divisional Administrator.
3) Once the customer is registered Successfully the customer Id will displayed which can be noted for
Further reference, the office need to update the latest Customer Master data by giving Customer Master Request in Administrator login.
4.Returns of all articles in bag can be taken by selecting the customer name,date and Bag number as seen below.
5.Proper return remark has to be furnished against each Undelivered Article.
6. Once returns taken for all Undelivered Articles click on Finish button. A screen will appear as below will appear.
7. Two more reports are included in the release as Delivered Article report and Consolidated Delivered Article Abstract.
a) Delivered Article Report:
This will give the report of the article which is delivered customer wise by selecting the Customer name and the date.
b).Consolidated Customer Abstract:
This will give the consolidated report for the Bulk Delivery Customer
Other Modifications in RegisterNet:
1) In this release RegisterNetBackup Database creation included for moving past 15 days data to Backupdatabase for enhancing the performance.
2) Also an option flush old data is also included in this release; it will delete the four month old data from the RegisterNetbackup database.
To get the Flushdata option
Admin→Masterà Flush old data
3) A new message will be generated while opening of the bag to pass the data of bag opened content to the server.
New Features in Express Parcel Net Version 7.9.3 (Express Parcel Hubs)
1. In this release two report are included for Bulk Delivery Customer Delivered Articles.
a) Delivered Article Report:
This will give the report of the article which is delivered customer wise by selecting the Customer name and the date.
b) Consolidated Customer Abstract:
This will give the consolidated report for the Bulk Delivery Customer
Other Modifications in ExpressParcelNet:
1) In this release ExpressParcelNetBackup Database creation included for moving past 15 days data to Backup database for enhancing the performance.
2) Also an option flush old data is also included in this release; it will delete the four month old data from the ExpressParcelNetbackup database.
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