Trilochan Parida R.C.Mishra
President Circle Secretary
Vice-President CHQ & Leader RJCM
President Circle Secretary
Vice-President CHQ & Leader RJCM
No. UN/AIPEU, Gr-C/Odisha/10-2014 Dated-17-10-2015.
Sri TIlak De, IPoS.
Chief Post Master General,
Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001
Sub-Strong resentment of staff of CBS Offices on receipt of frequent irregular instructions through e-mails from CPC, Bhubaneswar not to leave offices before completion EOD, clearing of blocking validations, without taking prior permission of CPC and calling on personal phones in late night to come to office etc, arising out of frequent slow/zero connectivity – total failure of Finacle from 6AM to 4PM on dated 13-10-2015.- Protest against such inhuman orders with -out effective remedial measures for smooth running of Finacle-reg.
Ref- This Circle Union̢۪s letter of even No. dated 20-07-2015 & 9-09-2015.
Respected Sir,
In continuation to above letters under reference, we are again compelled to bring the kind attention that no remedial measures has yet to come to enhance the connectivity between BSNL Cloud & Central Server and also with that of connectivity of all CBS offices. It has been observed that no instructions were also issued to CPC, Bhubaneswar to stop issuing of such type of derogative orders and only to pass on the instructions issued from CEPT Chennai & Infosys. Inspite of best efforts by the employees working in all CBS offices to adapt with changing scenario and to give proper services to the valued customers, the non-working of Finacle due to zero connectivity has put the staff to embracing conditions and they are facing anger of public without any fault of them.
On 13-10 -2015, there was total link failure from 6AM to 4PM and the transactions in 186 CBS offices in Odisha Circle and 6470 CBS Offices in All India level came to standstill. Before that the financle was also slow from last three weeks. The mental condition of those employees working in the CBS offices can be well guessed in facing & replying the customers, coming for transactions. In Odisha circle, it has been reported of law & order situation in Jeypore HO. It is quite obvious that if similar position will prevail without any permanent solution, then there will be same incidents in all the CBS Post Offices in Odisha Circle, as well as CBS POs in other Circles. It can be well imagined the mental condition of employees, who are facing customers and the hardship faced by them in replying them. At the same time, the problems faced by the offices having large number of BOs and the time needed be consumed after office hours by staff in updating the BO transactions with full disposal of blocking validations.
Now we have come to know as per recent instruction of SPoC CBC, Odisha that EOD will be executed at their end from 14-10-2015 after 16-15 Hrs onwards for the offices with counter transactions up to 14 Hrs and EOD execution will be done by CPC from 18-15 Hrs. onwards for offices having counter transaction up to 16 Hrs. It has been observed that the CBS CPC while execution of EOD in the night is calling the officials over their personal telephones to attend the offices, late night for clearing of EOD blocking validations which have been caused pending by SOL due to slow connectivity & frequent log-in problems and problem at Central Server, as well, which are not in control of the SOL. Further, the employees are not provided with cell phones and mobile vouchers by the Department and hence, on calling on personal mobile of CBS Staff that to in late night shows the arbitrary attitude of CBS CPC and is nothing but smashing of private & social lives of our staff. The original instruction received from CEPT and CBS Directorate in this connection has no mention about above things and CBS CPC, Odisha Circle has created its own style of functioning which has created strong resentment of staff from all CBS Offices.
We suggest the following for consideration at CO level & also for taking up the same with CBS Directorate for betterment of CBS work and to minimize the problems faced by grass root level employees.
1- To stop such type of inhuman orders, issued from CBS, CPC, Odisha
2- If the work of the day is not finished within time due to slow/zero connectivity & unseen technical problems the staff should leave the offices after end of the office and attend next day on usual time to complete previous day̢۪s work first and then start the to-day's work.
3- The Bandwidth between BSNL Cloud and Central Server should be enhanced to 1GB to ensure smooth running of finacle
4- All Offices should be provided with minimum Bandwidth of 512 KBPS as per formulae 256 KBPS PER NODE + 128 KBPS to ensure smooth running of finacle.
5- Provision of proper hardware to all CBS offices for timely clearance of EOD blocking validations.
6- Provision of technical & required manpower support to all CBS offices.
7- Staff, working in CBS Offices should not be called upon on their personal mobile beyond office hours in the name clearance of blocking validation.
8- Conversion of offices to CBS may be stopped along with data migration works till satisfactory running of finacle with full connectivity.
9- Infosys & Sify may be instructed to examine the ground level problems with working condition of our Post Offices and to set right the things accordingly without acting in monopolistic way.
We are receiving strong resentment of staff from all corners of the Circle on such irregular orders and Group-C staff, working in CBS Offices are being tortured like anything even after rendering 10 to 12 hours of duty every day. They are facing anguish of public every day due to link failure and are further taxed due to irregular orders of CPC and the tolerance has crossed all limits. It is requested for immediate remedial action to avert staff unrest.
Yours faithfully
Circle Secretary
Circle Secretary
Copy to-1) Com. R.N.Parashar, SG, NFPE & G.S AIPEU, Gr-C, CHQ, New- Delhi for information. It is requested to take up the issue at the level of Directorate on priority basis to mitigate the above problems faced by the employees, working in all CBS Offices throughout the country, as no remedial measures are forth-coming -the problems are increasing day by day and the tolerance of our employees has crossed all boundaries. It is also urged upon for inclusion of very issue as one of the agenda items in the coming indefinite strike w.e.f. 23-11-2015 for relief of our staff from great distress.
2) All Circle Office bearers & Divisional secretaries for information and they are requested to intimate in detail the problems faced by our staff, working in CBS Offices and ventilate their suggestions to overcome.
Circle Secretary
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