No. P3NFPE – Odisha / 09 – 09 / 2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 16thSeptember, 2017
Dr. S K Kamila, IPoS
Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle
Bhubaneswar – 751 001
Sub:- Implementation of Cadre Restructuring Proposal of Group-C Postal Employees in Odisha Circle.
Ref.- Directorate’s letter No.25 – 4 / 2012 – PE.I, dated 16.06.2017 & 25.07.2017
Respected Sir,
Inviting a kind reference to Directorate’s letter referred to above, this is to reiterate that the Cadre Restructuring exercise has been put on hold till further orders.
But now, it has come the notice of this Circle Union that a process is being going on in Odisha Circle for conducting 2nd Phase DPC for promotion of eligible officials to LSG cadre as a part of Cadre Restructuring proposal.
Secondly, this is to intimate further that the Cadre Restructuring Committee constituted vide Directorate’s letter dated 16.06.2017 referred to above has already conducted its meeting in the meantime on 02.08.2017 at Dak Bhawan, New Delhi with the Staff Side and many suggestions of the Staff Side were agreed to including allotment of approved LSG officials to Divisional level for issuing posting orders. As discussed, inter alia, posts for all cadres will be redistributed at all India level once again allotting more numbers of posts where there is short allotment in any cadre including Odisha Circle. However, the minutes of the said meeting is yet to be released by the Directorate with suitable instructions as discussed in the above meeting.
Therefore, under the circumstances, this Circle Union would like to request you kindly to put on hold the DPC process till the minutes of the Cadre Restructuring Committee Meeting / further instructions are received from the Directorate.
Awaiting your kind cooperation and response on the issue, Sir.
With regards.
Yours faithfully,
Circle Secretary
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