Almost all Finacle Menu are working except report / HPR menu with slowness. We r also waiting for update from CEPT.
Dear Team(s),
Kindly wait upto 19.00 hours. Kindy offer your suggestions as to how we are going to manage the situation if connectivity is restored the moment we give EOD instructions please and ensure that the counters are opened in time on Monday the 01.05.2017. Certain divisions are going live for CSI also.
N. Sivakumar
CEPT (EOD Central Team),
Should be solved if yet not solved than please wait for some more time to stable all services. ...... This works in loop wait, ... If not solved.... Then .....again wait.
CSI DNS issue persists.. when once the DNS issue is resolved.. all other application and database servers would be restarted.. it would take another hour around.. please keep informed everyone about this...
Dear SPOCs,
It is intimated by CEPT that, there is a huge numbers of divisions going in CSI on 01/05/2017 Monday. Hence, finacle is inaccessible in evening session. It will take half an hour to resolve the issue.
Kindly ask the SOLs to wait upto 19:30 Hrs. If finacle gets started before 19:30 Hrs, please ask the SOLs to clear blocking validations and invoke HISCOD immediately. Please do not permit SOLs to add fresh transactions.
If finacle do not starts upto 19:30 Hrs, the SOL official will attend office tomorrow morning and clear all blocking validations.
Neha Doshi
(प्रभारी Incharge)/ एकल संपर्क केंद्र SPOC
सर्किल संसाधन केंद्र Circle Processing Centre,
मुख्य पोस्टमास्टर जनरल, महाराष्ट्र सर्किल का कार्यालय
O/o CPMG, Maharashtra Circle,
मुंबई Mumbai - 400001.
From: CBS EOD SUPPORT <cbscept.eod@gmail.com<mailto:cbscept.eod@gmail.com>>
Date: 29 April 2017 at 18:39
Subject: EOD instructions for the day 29.04.2017 – reg
Dear Team(s),
I am directed by the competent authority to convey the following:
The situation is not clear and CSI have some issues which they say it will be resolved by 19.00 hours. Please plan for officials presence at CPC to remain up to 21.00 hours and ask the PO users to leave office.
Kindly ensure that CPCs are manned till the DC is closed for the day 29.04.2017.
Kindly ask the users to be present in the sols tomorrow and ensure that the work pertaining to 29.04.2017 is completed by all means so that there is no issue on Monday 01.05.2017.
Kindly ensure that the SOLs are ready for work on 01.05.2017 with proper BOD.
Kindly ensure that the Divisions going live for CSI complete the work by all means.
N. Sivakumar
CEPT (EOD Central Team),
Note : Finacle is now accessible from 21hours 29.04.2017