(Postmaster Grade one time relaxation issue)
Prospects of promotion are the primary attraction for candidates seeking employment in any organization and more so in a Government organization. By working in a particular job for a period of time the skill of the employee improves considerably and grant of promotion to the next higher grade gives a fillip to his efficiency in service and fosters the appropriate attitude to grow for achieving excellence in service. In absence of promotion the service is bound to degenerate and stagnation kills the desire to serve properly. As per the OM No. 22011/3/91-Estt. (D) dated 13.5.91 it is obligatory on the part of the administration to hold Departmental Promotion Committee meeting every year for making promotions against the vacancies arising every year, thereby the delay in filling up of the vacant post does not cause any injustice to the employees.
But DOP&T has given approval on 28.04.2016 for filling the vacancies to Postmaster Grade – II /III for one time relaxation in service conditions. Same was communicated to all Circles . It was revealed that a few circles had been responded and filled up vacancies. Odisha, Maharastra and Tamilnadu and some other others are responded early or lately. But in Telugu Circles the situation is not in good move.
- The one time relaxation is not implement even nearly one year elapsed after approval.
- Many officials in Telugu Circles retired on superannuation with out getting high status of their dream of promotion.
- There is inordinate delay in convening the DPC meeting for regular / one time relaxation to postmaster cadre.
- Many officials under gone heavy financial loss. If this had been implemented before July 2016 the officials ought to have get 7th CPC fixation benefit. Due to this the official effecting financial loss about Rs3500 to Rs.4000 per month till their service.
- Many times nearly 10 to 15 times visits and representations to Circle office through Associations/ unions , submitting representations no use.
- Further delay will also badly effect the education of school going children which results declination of promotion.
- Loss of Seniority for consideration of All India Gradation List for Sr.Postmaster Posts.
- 2nd MACP, 3rd MACP cases also in same stage.
- An analysis of the Articles 14, 16 and 21 as above and also the preamble of the Constitution of India, clearly shows social justice is the main thrust which includes up liftment of employees, as well, which includes the consideration of an employee for promotion at the appropriate time. Therefore it is mandatory on the part of the authorities to discharge its duties at the appropriate time, unless the reasons are beyond their Control, because even one day's loss in the service career of an employee on promotion cannot be compensated at any time. As per the saying that "Justicedelayed is Justice denied", "Promotion delayed is Promotion denied".
- Some officials are thinking to approach CAT for justice.
ఆలస్యం న్యాయం అన్యాయం జరిగినట్లే
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