1. Sri B.M. Dasmohapatra, Supdt of POs, Dhenkanal
1 - Sri Upendra Sahoo, Divn. Secy cum Tr Nalco Nagar
2. Sri S.N. Satpathy, Asst Supdt. Of Pos ( OD ), Dhenkanal
2 - Sri Aditya Prasad Panda, PA, Angul HO
Sri S.K. Dash, Office Supervisor, Divisional Office
3 - Sri Beenaya Kumar Pradhan, SPM, Dhenkanal RS
33/06-2010: The post of APM Accounts to be created at Angul HO on merger of LSG SPM post of Vikrampur SO on matching saving scheme.
Reply: - This will be examined, statistics will be obtained.
10 / 12: In spite of several agendas no improvement has been made in updating the service books of the officials by the Postmasters of both the HOs. As a result staffs are facing problems due to non regularization of service books. Request for early regularisation of service books.
Reply: - Action has already been taken up for updation of service books in both the HOs. Both the PMs have been addressed for updating of the service books.
15 / 12: Immediate action may be taken for De Quarterisation of unsuitable PO Quarters such as Meramandali, Marthapur, Hulurusingha, RD Site, etc
Reply: - Hulurusingha has been De Quarterised and in case of Meramandali SO, the SPM has been addressed to search out suitable building for shifting. Marthapur and RD Site owners have been addressed for repairing of the PO Building. (Discussed and Closed)
5 / 06 – 12: Many offices are not in working atmosphere due to lack of furniture. Case of Hakimpada, Deulabera, Dera, PTC Angul, Bantala, Dhenkanal HO and Angul HO
Reply: - Dhekanal HO, DB Colliery SO and Angul HO have been supplied with furniture as per requirement. IP Talcher has been requested to submit quotation for Dera SO. For other offices, concerned IPs have been requested to submit the requirement of furniture. Two numbers of chairs will be supplied to Angul HO and Nalco Nagar MDG. One executive chair will be supplied to Postmaster, Dhenkanal HO. After getting approval from RO. Furniture needed for offices on urgent basis will be supplied. (Discussed and Closed)
02 / 09 – 12: Most of the computerised offices are not having proper computer chair and tables. In most of the offices the computer chairs which were previously supplied have broken. This Union request to supply of computer chair and tables to the needy offices and to take action to repair the old ones.
Reply: - Union is requested to give specific details for further examination. (Discussed and Closed)
01 / 10 – 12: The look and feel of Angul HO is hidden due to the encroachment of the fruit vendors in front of the premises of the Angul HO. The fruit vendors have erected their shop attached to the boundary wall of the PO Building. Due to this the public are unaware of the position of the PO, though it is situated in the heart of the city. More over the public as well as the employees of the HO face difficulties in entering the PO Building as the customers park their vehicles in front of the entrance gate. This Union urges the Divisional Administration to take immediate steps for vacation of the fruit shops.
Reply: - The Collector, Angul has issued direction to Tahasildar / Sub Collector, Angul for eviction of encroachment. Union of local area is requested to pursue the matter with Tahasildar / Sub Collector for eviction.
02 / 04 – 13: Air Coolers may be supplied to The Post Offices.
Reply: - Fresh List Of Post Offices with no of coolers required has been submitted to RO on dated 18.06.2013 RO will be reminded afresh in this regard.
(Discussed and Closed)
02 / 05 – 13: Non functioning of cash counting machines at most of the offices. No action has been taken till date.
Reply: - No letter / information have been received regarding non – functioning of cash counting machine at the HOs and Nalco Nagar / TCR. PM Angul HO has repaired one. The other will be repaired on arrival of mechanic. RO will be requested to supply cash counting machines and fake note detector.
02 / 07-13: Some Post Offices have more than one telephone connection for office use. It can be managed by one telephone. Review may be made and disconnect the extra telephone.
Reply: - This will be looked into. Broadband connection in many offices has since been disconnected. The Union is requested now, in which offices, still two telephones in operational
01 / 09 – 13: Angul HO is functioning without UPS since last one and half months. There is frequent electric problem. No action taken for early repairing. There is every possibility of data corruption due to direct connection of electricity with server. Early action may be taken for smooth functioning of office like HO.
Reply: - A new 5 KV UPS has been installed at Angul HO. SA, Angul HO will be addressed to access the capacity for further action. PM Angul HO will be asked to intimate the position of 2nd UPS.
01 / 10-13: Most of the Post Offices of the Division are running with shortage of essential forms like SB – 3, SB – 103, SB – 7, MO – 8, etc. Action may kindly be taken for early supply.
Reply: - The required forms have been supplied to concerned IPs. (Discussed and Closed)
02 / 10 – 13: Treasury allowance after posting of treasurer is not being drawn of some offices after update statistics submitted i.e., case of Nalco Nagar MDG and Angul HO.
Reply: - Treasury allowance has been sanctioned for the period from 01.04.2013 to 31.03.2014 in favour of Nalco Nagar MDG along with for Angul HO. (Discussed and Closed)
01 / 01 – 14: Most of the letter boxes of this Division are in damaged condition. The repairing by replacement of the same may be taken up at an early date.
Reply: - New small size letter boxes have been purchased and procured. Those can be supplied to the needy offices. IPs will be requested to submit report regarding letter boxes. (Discussed and Closed)
01/ 07- 14: Advances are outstanding in few Post Offices since two years. No initiative is taken by Administration although expenses are occurred on verbal and written permission of the Divisional Administration. Request for early sanction. Case of Nalco Nagar MDG , Balanda SO and Angul HO
Reply: - All expenditures in which vouchers were submitted have been sanctioned except Nalco Nagar MDG which will be examined.. (Discussed and Closed)
02 / 07 – 14: Some staffs are facing financial problems due to non – sanction of their leaves since a year. Request for early sanction. Case of Pratap Chandra Sahoo, PA Angul HO, Gunakar Bhoi, Laxman Behera, PA, Angul HO
Reply: - Leave of Laxman Behera, Pratap Sahoo has been sanctioned. In case of other officials action is being taken to sanction the same if everything is in order. (Discussed and Closed)
03 / 07 – 14: Temporary transfer bill, OTA bills of some officials are not sanctioned since 2010 causing harassment. Request for early sanction. Case of P.K. Nayak who was on deputation to Khamar SO for more than 6 months in the year 2010 – 11 now working as PA, Balanda SO
Reply: - Action is being taken for sanction of only bona fide bills as per availability of funds. ( I / C )
04 / 07 – 14: Two more exhaust fans are required to be installed at Angul HO Main Building to avoid extreme heat in summer. Staffs are working in unhealthy atmosphere. Request for installation.
Reply: - This will be looked into. (Discussed and Closed)
01 / 09- 14: Most of the double handed offices with heavy work load are running single handedly for months together. It is impracticable to run the office with single hand. Posting / deputation may be done for smooth running. Case of Rasol SO.
Reply: - This will be looked into after new recruitment.
(Discussed and Closed)
02 / 09 -14: Kishoreganj Post Office is running with two hands and 17 (seventeen) BOs are functioning under a radius of 30 KMs. As per the latest guidelines of the Directorate, creation of new Post Office is required at Jarpada. As a result it will be beneficial and the Department
Reply : - IP, Angul West will be asked to submit proposal.
Item No-10/02-2015:- Non Consider of Web Portals of MIS for Statistical Data and Analysis and Information, unnecessarily asking for reports from officials by the Administration, manual work, non - transfer of files through ftp, email.
Brief: - The above practice hampers the effectiveness of computerization, automation of postal services. It also promotes half hazard, careless and casual computer work, which makes track and trace facility provided to customers a total non sense.
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps to avoid such things to improve Quality of Service provided by the Department.
Reply: - (Discussed and Item Closed).
Item No-11/02-2015:- Filling of Justified Posts of Supervisors, Gr. D, SAs for Effective Postal Operation in the Division.
Brief: - According to the Norms there should be 1 Supervisor Post for every 3 Clerical Posts, 1 Group – D post for every 5 employee, 1 System Administrator for every 8 offices.
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps to full fill such norms to improve Quality of Service provided by the Department.
Reply: - Sri Manoj Kumar Sahu has been declared as SA, Angul HO. The LSG Supervisor has since been posted at Angul / Dhenkanal HO. 15 newly recruited PAs are under training and they will be posted as per rule.. (Discussed and Closed)
Item No-12/02-2015:- Non - Filling of Vacant Justified Posts like Treasurers, Sanctioned Postmen Posts of Angul HO, Athamallik SO and Talcher MDG, PAs of Some Important Offices, GDS Posts in some important offices.
Brief: -The Divisional Administration is not taking appropriate steps to fill up Important Posts, which are vacant in the Division.
Ø Treasurers of Angul HO, Talcher MDG and Athamallik SO are not yet posted. 1 Month has already elapsed from the last date of submission of Application Forms to Be Posted as Treasurer, Angul HO.
Ø Posts of PAs, in important offices are Lying Vacant which affects the efficiency of officials, affects the timely quality of services provided by the Department. For e.g., Rasol SO, Balimi SO, Hindol SO, etc
Ø GDS Post in Dhenkanal College SO is lying vacant since month together. No action has yet been taken by Divisional Administration on functioning of Packer Post of Single Hand Office Dhenkanal College SO. The concerned official is working as SPM /PA, Gds Packer, GDS Mail Messenger, etc
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps to fill up the vacant posts of treasurers and PAs and GDS Packer of Dhenkanal College SO as mentioned above to improve the efficiency of Postal Operation in the Division.
Reply: - The treasurers will be filled up in due course. When staff position improves on new recruitment / promotion, the vacant posts will be filled up.. (Discussed and Closed)
Item No-13/02-2015:- Beat and Jurisdiction Revision for Effective Delivery Performance
Brief: - The Civilization, Population, Concrete Jungle in the Division has expanded a lot in last 10 years. The Beat Map, Route List, Jurisdiction of Offices are required to be reviewed, modified if necessary. Creation of New Justified Posts may be done to increase effectiveness of postal services in the Division.
For e.g., Case of Kishoreganj SO.
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps regarding the above issue to improve Quality of Service provided by the Department.
Reply: - As per statistics new post is created . The Union is requested to ask their co members to submit statistics for all Departmental SOs immediately for review of establishment so also triennial review of BOs by ASP / IPs. (Discussed and Closed)
Item No-15/02-2015:- Difficulty faced by System Administrators in performing their Duty.
Brief: - No Toolkit has been provided to Manoj Sahu, System Administrator, Angul HO yet. He is facing problems in performing his duty.
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps to provide toolkit to Sri Manoj Sahu, SA, Angul HO.
Reply: - This will be looked into.
Item No-16/02-2015:- Status of Clubs and IRs under the Division
Brief: - Clubs and IRs are very important from both the Administrative and Operative staffs of the Division. They must be functional and effective.
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps to improve the Status of Clubs and IRs in the Division for betterment of all concerned.
Reply: - Postmaster, Angul HO will be asked to place requirement for IR along with the furniture available. This will be considered keeping in view the fund position available.
Item No-17/02-2015:- Non - Sanction and Non - Payment of Pending Out Standing Advances, Sanction of Leave, Medical Bills, TA, OTA, others, etc Bills.
Brief: - Officials of the Division are facing problems due to non – sanction of pending outstanding advances. Staffs of the Division are facing financial problems due to non sanction of their bills of various types as mentioned above. All pending should be sanctioned at the earliest for the best interest of all concerned
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps to reduce pendency of bills to be sanctioned for smooth operation of offices and for the best interest of all concerned.
Reply: - Bona fide Bills have already been sanctioned. (Discussed and Closed)
Item No-21/02-2015:- Maintenance of Functionally Look and Feel as District Headquarter
Brief: - Both the HOs of the Division are the Faces of the Department for the Districts of this Division. They must be Well Decorated with Good Looking Accessories, Furniture, etc. to improve the image of the Department in order to improve business and revenue.
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps to improve the Status of Look and Feel of PO Buildings, Quarters, Premises at District Head Quarters, Sub Divisional Head Quarters, Offices at Important Place of Community, Communication, Heritage, Tourism, Historical Importance in the Division for betterment of all concerned.
Reply: - This will be looked into. (Discussed and Closed)
Item No-22/02-2015:- Honourable Odisha High Court and Madras High Court has already ordered the Department to Consider BCR and TBOP as Promotions instead of financial up gradation.
Brief: - Honourable Odisha High Court and Madras High Court have already ordered the Department to Consider BCR and TBOP as Promotions instead of financial up gradations. As such Department has already ordered the Circle Heads and all concerned to implement the same and give the benefits to all.
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps at Divisional Level to give Justice to all who deserve.
Reply: - Instruction from RO / CO in this regard is not yet received. On receipt of information from RO / CO, this will be implemented.
(Discussed and Closed)
Item No-23/02-2015:- Issue of Divisional Seniority List (Gradation List) / Up-Dation as on 1/7/2014.
Brief: - The Divisional Seniority List ( Gradation List ) updated as on 01 – 07 – 20414 should be issued at the earliest for best interest of all.
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps to issue gradation list.
Reply: - The Divisional Gradation List corrected up to 01 – 07 – 2013 has already been circulated vide SPOs, Dhenkanal Letter No B/4/G-1 dated 28.08.2013. (Discussed and Closed)
Item No-24/02-2015:- Reimbursement of Mobile Vouchers for Postmen and System Administrator.
Brief: - Reimbursement of mobile vouchers for System Administrator will enable them to provide proper service to the Department and will enable the Postmen to provide prompt and effective delivery services to the public.
This Union Urges the SPOs, Dhenkanal Division to take appropriate steps in this regard.
Reply: - Mobile voucher is reimbursed in case of SAs. There is no provision currently to reimburse mobile voucher for postmen.
(Discussed and Closed)
The next monthly meeting will be held on 21.04.2015 at Divisional Office, Dhenkanal.
The concerned authorities are directed to start action immediately at their end and compliance reported to the undersigned without awaiting for separate communication.
Supdt of Post Offices
Dhenkanal Division
Dhenkanal – 759001
No: B9 / G -3 / Ch. V dated at Dhenkanal the 08.04.2015
Copy to - :-
1. Sri Upendra Sahu, Divisional Secretary, AIPEU, Class – III, Dhenkanal Divisional Branch cum PA, Angul HO
2. Sri Ramesh Ch Mishra, Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Class – III, Odisha Circle, Postal Stores Depot, Bhubaneswar - 7
3. Postmaster Dhenkanal HO / Angul HO
4. The ASP I / C, Dhenkanal / All IPs in Dhenkanal Division
5. All Branches in Divisional Office, Dhenkanal
6. Office copy and spare.
Supdt of Post Offices
Dhenkanal Division
Dhenkanal – 759001