
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Bhubaneswar Divisional Union requests the SSPOs, Bhubaneswar for supply of printers to needy offices

No. UN-BN/AIPEU-Gr.-C/02 - 05/2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 17.05.2017
The Senior Superintendent of Post Offices
Bhubaneswar Division
Bhubaneswar – 751 009

Sub:-  Supply of available stock of new Pass Book / laser printers to needy offices

Respected Sir,
It has come to the notice of this Divisional Union that though huge stock of Pass Book and Laser printers are available in Divisional Office, the same are not being properly/timely supplied to the needy offices.

Rather, when the SPMs are requesting for printers, supply of the same is being delayed in the name of calling for any local repairer to repair the same or otherwise.

The recent process of fee collection for GDS online examination through MPCM was requiring laser printers to be installed / connected with MPCM. Though all the MDGs of Bhubaneswar Division had been authorized to collect such fee, not a single office was supplied with the laser printers in spite of huge available stock in Divisional Office that compelled the Counter P As to print   unreadable receipts and handover to the candidates/customers inviting unnecessary resentment.

Unnecessary piling of printers without supply causes damage to the brand new printers with loss of Guarantee / Warrantee on one hand and invites public complaints at the counters on the other.

Therefore, it is requested to kindly arrange immediate supply of the Pass Book and Laser printers now in stock at Divisional Office to all the needy offices.

A line of reply on the action taken is highly solicited.

With regards.
Yours faithfully,

(D R Mohanty)
Divisional Secretary ( I / C )

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