
Tuesday, August 11, 2020



(As approved by the 1st AGM / Foundation All India Conference held at Vellore on 19th & 20th July, 2014)
Article 1: Name:
The name of the All India Association shall be the “All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association” hereinafter referred to as “AIPRPA”. The name of the State, Circle, District / Divisional branches shall be referred to as “All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association” of respective State or Circle or District or Division.  
Article 2: Registration:
The All India Association shall be registered under Societies Registration Act.
Article 3: Central Headquarters:
The Central Headquarters of the AIPRPA shall be normally the headquarters of the residence of the Chief Executive viz., the All India General Secretary. However the formal address of CHQ in the national capital of New Delhi will be at “First Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi 110001”. Any dispute arising from the action taken in consonance with the provisions of this Constitution shall, therefore, only be under the jurisdiction of the Courts of law situated in the headquarters of the residence of the Chief Executive or New Delhi.
Article 3(b): Legal Action:
No legal action over election disputes at any level of the organisation or against any decisions of State Association or the CHQ can be resorted to by the District / Divisional branches or by any Office Bearer or Member of AIPRPA without completely exhausting the channels of appeal to the higher managing bodies as provided for in this bylaw. Similarly no legal action over election dispute or any other decision of the District / Divisional Association can be resorted to by any member of the AIPRPA without resorting to appeals provided for in this bylaw to the higher managing bodies of AIPRPA.

Article 4: Aims and Objects:
a)      This is a voluntary Association to safeguard and promote the interests, rights and liberties of the Pensioners, who retired from service of the Department of Posts, Government of India.
b)       To control, coordinate and guide the activities for cooperation with other Pensioners Organisations to protect the common interests of Pensioners.
c)       To control, coordinate and guide the activities of the Circle branches and the District branches, wherever necessary.
d)      To conduct a journal or journals.
e)      To do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the aims and objects mentioned above or any one of them.
f)       To join the united platform of Pensioners Organisations at the national level like the NCCPA and BCPC.
g)      To join international level platforms of Pensioners Organisations as approved by the AGM or by the Central Managing Committee to work for the upliftment of all pensioners.
Article 5: Membership:
Any Pensioner of the Department of Posts shall be entitled to become a member of the AIPRPA provided he / she agrees to abide by the Bylaw, Rules, Regulations, Directives and Discipline of the AIPRPA. A Membership form as found in Annexure –I shall be duly filled up and submitted by the postal pensioners to the concerned district or divisional association. On shifting of residential station the pensioner may obtain a transfer certificate from the Secretary to continue his  membership of AIPRPA in a new District / Division of his residence.
Article 6: Admission:
Any Postal Department Pensioner desirous of becoming a member of the AIPRPA shall make an application in writing in the prescribed form [Annexure – I] to the District / Divisional Secretary of the Association together with the Annual Membership and Admission fee prescribed. The application submitted by such desirous members will be considered by the District Executive Committee for approval but any decision for rejection shall be submitted to All India General Secretary of AIPRPA through the State General Secretary of the concerned State, who will enclose his / her considered opinion with reasons thereof on the issue, for a final decision to be taken by the Secretariat of the CHQ.
Article 7: Forfeiture of Membership:
A Member defaults payment of annual subscription for a period of six months is a default member and default members forfeit the right to hold any position in the Association at any level and also lose the right to vote in General Body Meetings and or Executive Committee etc. The default member will get all the rights of membership restored on payment of entire arrears of subscription and the prescribed re-admission fee.
Article 7(b): Disciplinary Action: Any Office Bearer or a Member who violates and flouts the decisions of the managing bodies and those who act in contravention of the decisions of the organisation that may result in lowering the image of the organisation may be proceeded against with appropriate disciplinary action. Normally the District / Divisional General Body meeting convened specifically for the purpose of taking disciplinary action alone shall be competent to take such action against the members or office bearers of the District / Divisional Association after issuing comprehensive charge sheet with charges in writing to such members or Office Bearers of the District / Divisional Association and providing a reasonable opportunity for defence. The decision to remove or expel a member shall have the support of 4/5th of the total membership present in the General Body specially convened for the purpose. The District or Divisional Association cannot however take disciplinary action against any member who is holding office bearer position in higher managing bodies like the State or CHQ Association [including the District / Divisional Secretary who is an ex-officio member of the State Working Committee], in whose case the District or Divisional AGB or Working Committee can only recommend to the State / CHQ for taking disciplinary action by informing in detail about the charges. The State Working Committee is the disciplinary authority for office bearers of the State Association including the District or Divisional Secretaries but it cannot take disciplinary action against the State General Secretaries who are CWC Members of the CHQ. The All India Central Managing Committee (CMC) alone is competent to take disciplinary action against its CHQ Office Bearers including the State General Secretaries. But in all such cases comprehensive charge sheet shall be issued with reasonable opportunity to defend including if necessary an appearance in person before the All India Central Managing Committee.
Article 7(c): Appeals: Any member of District / Divisional Office bearer who is aggrieved with the punishment of a disciplinary proceeding against him / her can appeal against it to the State Working Committee, which is an appellate body. Similarly any disciplinary action resulting in punishment to a State Office Bearer can appeal against it to the Central Managing Committee. Even the decision of the State Working Committee can be appealed against by preferring an appeal to the State AGM (State Conference) and anyone who wants to appeal against the decision of the State Working Committee or State AGM can do so with the Central Managing Committee and similarly anyone who is aggrieved with the decisions of CMC can prefer an appeal to the All India AGM for final decision. The Appellate Bodies shall bear in mind that their decisions shall be based on facts and truths and their decisions shall be unbiased.
Article 8:  Subscription and Allocation:
The life membership of the Association can be enrolled on payment of Rs.2000/- (Rupees Two thousand only). The rate of quota to CHQ and to State Association shall be at the rate of 25% of the life membership each.
Every Member of the AIPRPA shall effect payment of annual subscription for the period from April to March at the rates fixed by the respective State AGM by way of a resolution adopted in the AGM meeting. Out of the Annual subscription amount so fixed, a sum of Rs.50/- shall be remitted to CHQ as quota per year and also a sum of Rs.50/- as quota to State Association per year.

Article 9: Membership Register:
The Membership Register will be maintained by the District / Divisional Association and a copy of the Register shall be supplied to both CHQ and State / Circle by the District / Divisional Association every year. The District / Divisional Secretary shall intimate the CHQ and the State Association about any change made in the Register immediately for effecting such changes in updating the membership registers at the level of CHQ and State.

Article 10: Application of Funds: The application of funds of AIPRPA shall be as under:
(a)    Meeting expenses and TA/DA expenses of the Office Bearers and Managing Committee Members;
(b)   Expenses for the administration of the affairs of the Association at CHQ, State and District / Division.
(c)    Issue of journals and periodicals.
(d)   Legal expenses involving the CHQ, concerned State and District / Divisional Associations.
(e)   The funds shall be deposited in a Bank and shall be operated jointly by the Finance Secretary and the All India General Secretary in the case of CHQ; Finance Secretary and the State General Secretary in the case of State Association; Finance Secretary and the District or Divisional Secretary in the case of District or Divisional Associations.
Article 11: Accounting year: The financial year of April 1st to 31st March shall be the financial year and the accounts shall be audited each year.
Article 12: Channel of Communication: The CHQ of AIPRPA shall alone enter into correspondence and negotiations with the Central Government or any other higher authorities of the Government of India. The State Association shall have the channel of communication with the authorities at State and Regional level and the District / Divisional Associations shall have the channel of communication with the authorities at District / Divisional level.
Article 13: Voting:
Voting shall be through secret ballot for election of office bearers to the District / Division or the State or the CHQ at the respective District / Division or State or All India AGM meetings, if demanded even by a single member / delegate present therein. Voting shall be by show of hands in other matters like adoption of Resolutions etc. The District / Division or State or CHQ President shall have a casting vote besides his own vote in case of a tie in the elections or while adopting resolutions.
Article 14: Quorum:
Quorum for All India AGM is 15% of the entitled delegates, provided however, at least half the number of Circles are represented;
Quorum for State AGM is 30% of the entitled delegates, provided however, at least half the number of District / Divisional branches is represented;
Quorum for the District / Divisional AGM is 30% of the basic members as on the rolls of the membership register and quorum for a General Body meeting of the District / Division is 10% of the basic members as on the rolls of the membership register of that District / Division, however, Quorum is not required for holding any adjourned meetings for want of quorum.
Quorum for Central Managing Committee, Circle Working Committee and District Working Committee shall be not less than 1/3rd of its strength.
Article 15: Duration of Office: All elected Office Bearers and Managing Committee members shall hold the office till the termination of the next session of AGM Conference (All India Conference, State Conference, District / Divisional Conference as the case may be) unless covered under any disciplinary action by the appropriate disciplinary authority.
Article 16: Requisition Meetings: All requests for requisition meetings shall clearly contain the issues on which the meeting is sought by the signatories and shall be submitted in writing to the concerned Chief Executive. To seek a requisition Working Committee Meeting of the District or Division or State at least half of the members of the said Committee should have signed the requisition. For seeking a requisition GB Meeting, 1/5th of the total basic membership on the rolls should sign the requisition and submit to the District / Divisional Secretary. Such requisition meetings shall be convened within a month of the receipt of the requisition letter failing which the first signatory of the requisition letter gains the authority to convene the said meeting under prior intimation to the chief executive of the next higher managing body. The requisition meetings can deliberate only those issues that were clearly mentioned in the earlier requisition letter and the decisions taken in the said meeting are subject to approval by the next higher managing body. In the case of Central Managing Committee meeting also a requisition meeting can be sought if half the members of the CMC demand it and the All India General Secretary shall convene the CMC meeting within a time frame of two months.
Article 17: Organisation and Management:
[a] Central Headquarters: For the functioning, management and administration and governance of the AIPRPA, there shall be a Central Headquarters [CHQ]. The Central Headquarters consists of Office Bearers of the CHQ to be elected at the All India AGM (viz All India Conference), which shall be the supreme body of the AIPRPA. The All India AGM Conference shall be composed of the Office Bearers of the CHQ and State Secretaries, who are ex-officio Delegates and the elected AIC Delegates in the District / Divisional Conferences or General Body Meetings as per the membership strength at the rate of one delegate for every 100 paid members or part thereof provided the part is 50 or more subject to the minimum of one Delegate for every District / Divisional Branch. Delegates and Ex-officio delegates carry one non-transferable vote each and Non-members of AIPRPA have no right to be elected as a delegate. The All India AGM Conference shall ordinarily meet once in every three years. However the Central Managing Committee has the powers to extend the date of All India AGM Conference by another three months in case of unavoidable circumstances and exigencies. The Notice for holding the All India AGM Conference shall be issued by the All India General Secretary at least 45 days before the commencement of the AIC.

[b] Powers of All India AGM (All India Conference):
The All India AGM shall normally consider inter-alia the following agenda:
1] to consider and adopt the Triennial Report and the Audited Accounts of the CHQ submitted by the Central Managing Committee as well as other Reports if any;
2] to elect Office Bearers of the Central Headquarters, viz., a Chairman, one or more Vice Chairman, a General Secretary, a Deputy General Secretary, one or more Assistant General Secretaries, a Finance Secretary, an Assistant Finance Secretary and one or more Organising General Secretaries, who shall hold the office until the completion of the next All India AGM Conference.
3] to appoint a Chartered Accountant as Auditor;
4] to consider and effect amendments to the Bylaws by decisions taken by 2/3rd majority of the admitted representatives in the All India AGM Conference;
5] to consider, discuss and decide any question of policy of the association and the problems of the members; to frame decisions in the interests of pensioners to work jointly with other pensioners organisations of Central, State and Public Sector and participating in all movements launched by such joint forums of pensioners as well as joining International Pensioners Organisations.
6] to take disciplinary action against any office bearer of the Central Headquarters or any State or District / Divisional Associations and to suspend such office bearers from their posts during pendency of such disciplinary action that shall follow issue of charge sheet on charges and reasonable opportunity for his / her defence in writing and in person before the CMC whenever the CMC summons for a direct appearance; the suspended office bearer can also claim to be heard in person by the CMC before a final decision on his reply to the charge sheet.
7] to function as the final court of appeal against the suspension, expulsion or removal from office of any office bearer of the CHQ, State and District / Divisional Associations and also in any organisational or election disputes;
8] to constitute Adhoc committees for any State or District / Divisional Branch Associations to maintain the efficient functioning of the Association in the event of failure to adhere to Articles of Bylaw, or instructions and directions of the All India Association, or any other act that might damage the interest of the Association at those levels.
Note: [i]: Proposals for any Amendments to Bylaw shall reach the CHQ at least one month before the All India AGB Conference and all proposals for amendments including those proposed by the Secretariat shall be circulated to all States and Districts / Divisions before the All India AGB Conference and or placed in the website of the CHQ for information to all.
Note: [ii] The election of Office Bearers for the CHQ shall be held in the All India AGB Conference through secret ballot if demanded even by a single delegate present.
Note: [iii]: The CHQ shall intimate all States and District / divisional Branches about the entitlement of Delegates of branches and their voting power to represent in the All India AGB Conference based on the paid up quota. The decision of the Committee comprising of the Chairman, General Secretary and the Finance Secretary shall be final to resolve the dispute if any arising from the announced voting strength by the CHQ.
(C) All India AGM: The All India Annual General Body Meetings consisting of elected Office Bearers and Central Managing Committee Members shall meet once in a year. These AGM shall have all the  powers of the AGM Conference except 17 (b) 1, 2, 3, &  4.
Article 18: Powers & Functions of Office Bearers:
Chairman: Chairman shall preside over all meetings of CMC, extended CMC, Special Conference and All India AGM Meetings and All India AGM Conference of CHQ.
Vice Chairman: Vice Chairman shall assist the Chairman in discharging his duties and shall preside over the meetings in the absence of Chairman and Working Chairman.
General Secretary: The General Secretary is the Chief Executive of the organisation. He shall conduct the affairs of the organisation under the directions and decisions of the All India AGB Conference and other AGB Meetings and other decision making bodies like the CMC etc. He shall interpret the constitution subject to the final decision of the CMC or All India AGB / AGB Conference. He shall have the powers of Article 12 (b) (8) of the CMC in between the CMC meetings and his decisions are final unless revoked or reversed by the CMC or the All India AGB / AGB Conference. He shall be the editor of the CHQ journals and shall be the authority to correspond with the Government and Authorities as well as others on behalf of the All India Association.
Deputy General Secretary: The Deputy General Secretary shall assist the General Secretary in discharge of his duties and responsibilities.
Assistant General Secretaries: The Assistant General Secretaries shall also assist the General Secretary in discharge of his duties and responsibilities.
Finance Secretary: The Finance Secretary shall maintain accounts of CHQ and shall be the custodian of all records related to accounts. He shall maintain a joint bank account along with the General Secretary who is the joint custodian of cash balance and all accounts related records. He shall maintain the day book and ledger book and prepare the accounts for proper auditing to be submitted to the CMC for approval and placing before the All India AGB Conference.
Assistant Finance Secretary: The Assistant Finance Secretary shall assist the Finance Secretary in discharging his duties and responsibilities.
Organising General Secretaries: The Organising General Secretaries shall assist the General Secretary in discharging his duties and responsibilities as well as to carry out all decisions of the managing bodies.
Article 19: Central Managing Committee:
The Central Managing Committee of the CHQ of AIPRPA comprises of all Office Bearers of the CHQ and the State General Secretaries. The CMC shall meet as and when necessary but however at least once in a year. A Notice of CMC shall be issued by the All India General Secretary to all the members of the CMC at least 30 days before the meeting. The CMC shall exercise all powers of the All India AGM Conference except Article 17 (b)(1); (2); (3); and (4) which shall be final unless reversed by the All India AGM / AGM Conference. The Central Managing Committee however shall have the power to fill up the vacancies in the CHQ Office Bearers post caused due to death, expulsion / removal, resignation etc. The CMC also shall have the power to appoint Adhoc Committee for a State Association or for District / Divisional Branch for ensuring uninterrupted functioning of the respective level of Association in the event of any organisational dispute. The TA/DA for the CHQ Office Bearers shall be borne by the CHQ and by the respective State Associations to the State General Secretaries. In urgent situations, the General Secretary shall have the powers to consult the CMC Members by circulating the matter between all members of CMC and take decision after recording minutes based on the majority decision of the members of the CMC and subsequently place it in the next meeting of CMC for ratification.
Article 20: Special Conference:
The CHQ can hold Special Conferences or extended CMC Meetings in which in addition to the CHQ Office Bearers and State General Secretaries, all the District / Divisional Secretaries are entitled to take part. These Special Conferences and extended CMC Meetings have all the powers of the CMC meetings and the All India AGBs except those specifically mentioned under Article 17 (b)(1) to 17 (b) (4). However the vacancies caused in the CHQ Office Bearers due to death, expulsion / removal, resignation etc can be filled up by these Special Conferences and extended CMC meetings. Notice for Special Conference is 30 days in advance and Notice for extended CWC meetings is same to that of the CMC.
Article 21: State Association:
[a] State Organisation: The State Organisations comprise of all the districts / divisional Associations in a revenue State. A Combined State Association can be formed in remote localities like the North Eastern States for the convenience of running the organisation on prior approval from the CHQ.
[b] State Headquarters: The headquarters of the State Association shall ordinarily be the capital of the concerned State or the District Headquarters where the State General Secretary resides.
[c] State AGM Conference: The State AGM Conference shall be convened once in two years. Any delay in holding the State AGM Conference in special circumstances beyond this period shall have the prior approval of the CHQ. Notice for holding of the State AGM Conference shall be issued by the State General Secretary before 21 days of the Conference to the Districts / Divisions.
[d] State AGM Meetings: The State AGM Meetings to be conducted once in a year to guide the organisation in its functioning.
[d] Composition: The State AGM / AGM Conference shall consist of State Office Bearers who are ex-officio delegates and District / Divisional Secretaries and the elected delegates from the District / Divisional branches as per the membership strength at the rate of one delegate for every 100 paid members or part thereof provided the part is 50 or more subject to the minimum of one Delegate for every District / Divisional Branch. Delegates and Ex-officio delegates carry one non-transferable vote each and Non-members of AIPRPA have no right to be elected as a delegate.
[e] Powers of the State AGM Conference:
                [i] To consider and adopt the Biennial Report and Audited Accounts of the State Association submitted by the State Working Committee.
                [ii] To elect the State Office Bearers viz., a State President; one or more State Working Presidents; one or more State Vice Presidents; State General Secretary; one or more State Assistant General Secretaries; State Finance Secretary; State Assistant Finance Secretary; and one or more State Organising Secretaries.
                [iii] To appoint a Chartered Accountant as Auditor;
                [iv] To frame decisions in the interests of pensioners to work jointly with other pensioners organisations of Central, State and Public Sector and participating in all movements launched by such joint forums of pensioners, subject to approval by the CHQ.
                [v] To take disciplinary action against any office bearer of the State Association other than the State General Secretary after issuing a specific charge sheet in writing about the charges and providing an opportunity to defend in writing as well as in person before the State Working Committee; however the State Working Committee can suspend or remove a State Office Bearer from the post only by two thirds majority of the State Working Committee members present in the meeting.
                [vi] To function as court of appeal against the suspension, expulsion or removal from office of any office bearer or Member of the District / Divisional Associations and on the issue of any disciplinary action against a member by the District / Divisional Association.
                [vii] To appoint sub-committee to enquire into any election dispute at the level of District / Divisional Association and submit the report of the Committee with the recommendations of the State Working Committee to the State General Secretary for taking appropriate organisational decision to resolve the election dispute.
                [vii] To recommend constitution of Adhoc committee for District / Divisional Branch Association in the event of grave misconduct by the District / Divisional Association and to maintain efficient functioning of the Association in the event of failure to adhere to Articles of Constitution, or instructions and directions of the higher managing bodies of Association by the District / Divisional Association, or for commission of any other act that might damage the interest of the Association as a whole.
[f] Powers & Functions of Office Bearers:
State President: The State President shall preside over all State Conferences, State Working Committee Meetings, and Extended State Working Committee Meetings etc.
State Working Presidents: The State Working Presidents shall assist the State President in discharging his / her duties and responsibilities and presiding over the meetings in the absence of State President.
State Vice Presidents: The State Vice Presidents shall assist the State President in discharging his / her duties and responsibilities besides presiding over the meetings in the absence of State President and State Working Presidents.
State General Secretary: The State General Secretary is the Chief Executive of the State Association and shall manage the affairs of the State organisation under the directions and guidance of the State Conference and State Working Committee. He shall be the editor of the journal at state level and shall be the authority to address letters on behalf of the State Association.
State Assistant General Secretaries: The State Assistant General Secretaries shall assist the State General Secretary in discharge of his duties and responsibilities as well as to carry out all decisions of the managing bodies.
State Finance Secretary: The State Finance Secretary shall maintain accounts of the State Association and shall be the custodian of all records related to accounts of the State Association. He shall maintain a joint bank account along with the State General Secretary who is the joint custodian of cash balance and all accounts related records of the State Association. He shall maintain the day book and ledger book and prepare the accounts for proper auditing to be submitted to the State Working Committee [SWC] for approval and placing for adoption before the State Conference.
Assistant Finance Secretary: The Assistant Finance Secretary shall assist the Finance Secretary in discharging his duties and responsibilities.
State Organising General Secretaries: The State Organising General Secretaries shall assist the State General Secretary in discharging his duties and responsibilities as well as to carry out all decisions of the managing bodies.
Article 22: State Working Committee:
The State Working Committee consists of all elected Office Bearers of the State Association and the District / Divisional Secretaries who will be ex-officio Members of the State Working Committee meeting. The State Working Committee shall ordinarily meet once in six months and as more frequently if needed.

Article 23: District / Divisional Branch:
The State Association shall comprise of District / Divisional Associations according to the convenience of membership. The District or Divisional Association is the place of basic membership for all members. No one who is not a basic member of these District / Divisional Association can be elected to any responsibility at any level of the Association. The District / Divisional Association shall conduct Annual General Body Meetings of basic members regularly and more such General Body Meetings whenever needed.
The District / Divisional Association shall be formed in a District / Divisional AGM Conference that shall meet once in two years. The time may be extended by a maximum of three months under compelling circumstances with the prior approval of the State Association. However regular AGM meetings shall be convened periodically once in a year and Special General Body Meetings whenever necessary to review organisational matters.
Article 24: District / Divisional Office Bearers:
The District AGM Conference shall have the powers to elect the Office Bearers to the District Association and the Divisional AGM Conference shall have the powers to elect the Office bearers to the Divisional Association as the case may be as follows:
(1)    District / Divisional President; (2) One or more District / Divisional Working Presidents; (3) One or more District / Divisional Vice Presidents; (4) District / Divisional Secretary; (5) One or more District / Divisional Assistant Secretaries; (6) District / Divisional Finance Secretary; (7) One or more District / Divisional Assistant Finance Secretaries; (8) One or more District / Divisional Organising Secretaries. In addition depending upon the requirement the Executive Members may also be elected to the District / Divisional Association. The District / Divisional Conference also shall appoint an Auditor for auditing the accounts of the District / Divisional Association.
(2)    Though formation of local branches are not to be encouraged below the level of Divisional Associations, such local or area branches covering one or more Head Post Office accounts jurisdiction can be formed under unavoidable circumstances with the prior approval of the State Association. In such an event of formation of branch associations below the level of the Division, the provisions of Articles of this bylaw as applicable to the District / Divisional Associations shall ipso facto be applicable to the local and area branches also except that the Office Bearers shall be called with the prefix of the word ‘Branch’ such as Branch President, Branch Secretary etc instead of District or Divisional President or Secretary. The functions of Office Bearers also will be same but within the jurisdiction of the said branch association.
Article 25: Powers of District / Divisional AGM Conference:
[i] To consider and adopt the Biennial Report and Audited Accounts of the District / Divisional Association submitted by the District or Divisional Working Committee.
[ii] To elect the District / Divisional Office Bearers as mentioned under Article 19 (1).
[iii] To appoint an Auditor;
[iv] To frame decisions in the interests of pensioners to work jointly with other pensioners organisations of Central, State and Public Sector and participating in all movements launched by such joint forums of pensioners, subject to approval by the CHQ.
[v] to take disciplinary action against any office bearer of the District / Divisional Association [other than the District / Divisional Secretary as well as office bearer of higher bodies] and any member of the concerned District / Divisional Association by following the methods cited in concerned Articles of this bylaw.
[vi] To recommend repealing or revoking of any punishment inflicted on any member or office bearer to the CHQ.
Article 26: Powers & Functions of District / Divisional Office Bearers:
District or Divisional President: He shall preside over all the District / Divisional Conferences; Annual GB Meetings; District or Divisional Working Committee Meetings etc.
District or Divisional Working Presidents: The Working Presidents shall assist the President in discharge of his / her duties and functions and shall preside over the meetings in the absence of District or Divisional President.
District or Divisional Vice Presidents: The Vice Presidents shall also assist the President in discharge of his or her duties and shall preside over the meetings in the absence of President and Working Presidents.
District or Divisional Secretary: The District Secretary in the case of a District Association and the Divisional Secretary in the case of a Divisional Association is the Chief Executive and he / she shall manage the entire functions of the Association under the guidance and directions of the District or Divisional managing bodies. He shall be the authority to correspond on behalf of the District or Divisional Association as the case may be. He shall lead the Association in all its activities.
District or Divisional Assistant Secretaries: The District or Divisional Assistant Secretaries shall assist the District or Divisional Secretaries in discharge of their functioning and responsibility.
District or Divisional Finance Secretary: The Finance Secretary of the District or Divisional Association shall maintain accounts of the Association and shall be the custodian of all records related to accounts of the said Association. He shall maintain a joint bank account along with the District or Divisional Secretary who is the joint custodian of cash balance and all accounts related records of the District / Divisional Association. He shall maintain the day book and ledger book and prepare the accounts for proper auditing to be submitted to the appropriate District or Divisional Working Committee for approval and placing for adoption before the District / Divisional Conference.
District or Divisional Assistant Finance Secretaries: The Assistant Finance Secretaries shall assist the Finance Secretary in discharging his duties and responsibilities.
District / Divisional Organising Secretaries: The District / Divisional Organising Secretaries shall assist the District / Divisional Secretary in discharging his duties and responsibilities as well as to carry out all decisions of the managing bodies.
Article 27: District / Divisional Annual General Body: The Annual General Body of the District / Divisional Association shall have all the powers of the District or Divisional AGM Conference except those mentioned under Article 25 (i) (ii) & (iii). The Annual General Body meeting shall have the power to fill up the vacant office bearer posts caused by death, expulsion or resignation etc.
Article 28: District / Divisional Working Committee:
The District / Divisional Working Committee shall have the following powers:
[i] to plan for the growth of basic membership and to undertake all organisational activities towards reaching that goal;
[ii] to decide various activities in the interests of the pensioners in line with the aims and objective of the AIPRPA;
[iii] to undertake cultural activities in the interests of pensioners and their families;
[iv] to plan for implementation of all decisions and programmes of State Association and the CHQ;
[v] to exercise the powers of the Divisional or District AGB Conference except those mentioned in Article 20 (i) (ii) & (iii).
Article 29: Dissolution of Association: No local branch or District or Divisional Association or even the State Association have any authority to dissolve the branch, district / divisional or State Association of AIPRPA. The authority to dissolve the Association is vested only with the All India AGM Conference and any such decision for the dissolution or merger of the AIPRPA in full  or part shall have the support of 3/4th majority of the Delegates attending the All India AGM Conference which shall be ascertained by a secret ballot. The disposal of funds and assets of the Association shall then be decided by the same All India AGM Conference.

Annexure – I
All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association
------------------------------------District / Division -------------------------------State
1.Name of the Pensioner:
2.Postal Address with PIN Code:

3.Landline & Mobile Phone Nos:
4.E-Mail ID if any:
5.Date of Birth:
6.Date of Entry in Government Service:
7.Date of Retirement:
8.Post held at the time of retirement:
9.Office worked at the time of retirement:
10.Scale of Pay at the time of retirement:
11.PPO Number & Issuing Authority:
12.POSB or Bank where Pension is received:
13.Annual Membership remittance details: Cash______________/ Cheque/DD No:______________
14.Any other details if any:
I declare that I am a Postal Pensioner and I wish to join as a basic member of the All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association ____________________________District / Division. I understand that this is a voluntary association to work for the welfare of the pensioners and I assure that I shall abide by the bylaw of the Association and I am remitting this life membership / annual subscription of Rs._______(Rupees _________________________________________) for the period from April _______ to March _________.

Date:                                                                                                                                          Signature of Member
Member No:

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