
Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Subjects Placed before the Deptt for Discussions with the Secretary Posts New Delhi during the ensuing periodical meeting

The Subjects placed before the Dept for discussions with the Secretary Posts, New Delh i during the ensuing periodical mtg.

Shri R. S. Mawar
Asst. Director General (SR & Legal)
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001


Sub: - Holding of periodical meeting with Unions/Associations.

Ref: - Your letter No. 02-02/2018-SR dated 08.03.2018.

Items for discussion in the periodical meeting are furnished below. The following shall represent the AIPEU Group ‘C’ in the meeting.

1. R. N. Parashar, General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ), 2151/1, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, New Patel Road, New Delhi – 110008.
2. J. Ramamurthy, President, AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ), APM (D), T. Nagar HPO, Chennai – 600017 (Tamilnadu).

1. Immediate settlement of residual problems arisen due to implementation of Cadre Review.LSG shall be divisionalised and the promotions to HSG-II and HSG-I can be accorded based on PA gradation list at Circle Level. At present IPs are promoted to PS Group ‘B’ (All India Cadre) without linking the seniority of ASPOs cadre, even though IP Cadre is a Circle Cadre. It will alone minimize the dislocation and filling up of vacancies in the PA Cadre. One time relaxation of minimum qualifying service to fill up the HSG-II and HSG-I posts must be obtained from DOP&T and all the posts shall be filled up forthwith. This is possible. Earlier one time relaxation was given for filling up of vacant HSG-I posts and officials with one day service in HSG-II are promoted to HSG-I. Similarly minimum required service for future promotion to HSG-II and HSG-I shall be restored to old status-quo-ante, position i.e. 3 years.

2. Stop implementation of CSI Roll out and Rural ICT.

The following must be ensured before implementation of the same.

(a) Implement the remaining projects after full testing in the environment successfully and problems faced are properly redressed. Adequate peripherals required for CSI shall be ensured first. The CSI Software should be modified as user-friendly and should not be cumbersome creating tension to the staff at work place.
(b) Stop all pending implementation of the projects forthwith and take staff unions and employees into Confidence before implementation.
(c) Network connectivity should be improvised depending on the status of the office. Both NSP-I & II must be ensured working.
(d) All the officials especially the women staff should not be detained in the office beyond working hours in the name of system failure, net-work failure etc., for completing the day to day work.

3. Filling up of all vacant posts in the PA and allied Cadres by direct recruitment and by promotion.

About 40 to 50% of Group - C Posts including PA, LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I, Postmaster’s Cadre are lying vacant in all Circles/Divisions. No Substitute is provided in the vacancies. The Staff are put to unbearable workload and are struggling like anything to complete the day to day work. To make the situation worse, new schemes like Passport Seva Kendra, Aadhar linking, IPPB related work etc. are thrust upon the staff without providing any additional staff. It is requested that

(a) All the direct recruitment (outside quota) Vacancies may be filled on war-footing in a time-bound manner.
(b) Till such time qualified and willing Postmen, MTS and GDS staff (With +2 Qualification) may be allowed to work in the vacant posts/leave vacancies on payment of reasonable extra compensation.
(c) All promotional posts should be filled up by conducting DPCs on war-footing and also by dispensing with the minimum service required for promotion, as a one-time measure. This was done earlier for filing up of HSG-I posts and officials who worked for one day in HSG-II are promoted to HSG-I.
(d) Vacancies in the Postmaster Cadre posts may be filled up by upgrading the PM Grade-I offices to Grade-II and Grade-II offices to Grade-III and Grade-III offices to next Grade by immediate completion of cadre restructuring of PM Cadre.
(e) While filling up of vacancies in the PA Cadre (feeder Cadre) chain of vacancies in the higher grade should be taken into account as per DOP&T orders.

With regards,

Yours faithfully,

(R. N. Parashar)
General Secretary

1 comment:

  1. Without providing establishment how the new schemes are implemented to us?
