
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Officiating in the cadre of Inspector of Posts in Dhenkanal Division

Department of Posts: India

Office of the Supdt of Post Offices, Dhenkanal Division



(Regd Post)


The Postmaster Angul HO/ Dhenkanal HO/ Talcher MDG / Nalco Nagar MDG

All Sub Postmasters in Dhenkanal Division

The Office Supervisor, Divisional Office, Dhenkanal


No:- B-19/Ch.III dated at Dhenkanal the 08.01.2018.


Sub:- Officiating in the cadre of Inspector of Posts in Dhenkanal Division


            It has been decided to select eligible officials from Postal Assistant cadre to officiate in the post of Office Supervisor, Divisional Office, Dhenkanal, purely on temporary and adhoc basic as the said post is going to be vacant shortly.


            As such, you are requested to collect willingness or otherwise from the intending candidates for the above post in the enclosed proforma with minimum 05 (five) years of service in clerical cadre and within 40 years of age in case of UR community and 45 years in case of SC/ST community as on 19.01.2018 and forward to the office of the undersigned so as to reach latest by19.01.2018 positively. Please note that such posting will not entitle the official to claim for future regular absorption in the said cadre / post and the arrangement can be terminated at any time without assigning any reason. Further the selection will be made taking into consideration the capability and efficiency of the official to work in the IP cadre. If no application is received from your office within the stipulated date, it will be presumed that no official is willing to officiate in the cadre. Further any application received after last date of receipt will be rejected. Option once exercised is final and cannot be withdrawn subsequently. No conditional willingness will be entertained.


            This should be given wide circulation among the staff of your office to avoid future complications.


Encl: As above



Supdt of Post Offices

Dhenkanal Division


Soft copy of the proforma application is in the attachment.

Click Here to View

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