
Monday, October 23, 2017

Workshop on “Survey of Un-electrified Households in Villages of Odisha"

A workshop on “Survey of Un-electrified Households in Villages of Odisha" was conducted by CPMG, Odisha Circle in collaboration with Ministry of Power, Govt. of India at Postal Recreation Club, CO, Bhubaneswar on 21.10.2017.

Dr. Santosh Ku. Kamila, CPMG, Odisha Circle, Shri V Pati, CGM (PLI), Shri Ajay Ku. Roy, DDG (RB & Plg), Postal Directorate, Col. Jaleshwar Kanhar, PMG, Berhampur Region, Odisha, Shri TSC Bosh, Ex. Director (REC) are on dias. 

SSPOs / SPOs / ASPOs / I Ps/ Sys. Administrator & Overseer Mails of Odisha Circle participated in the workshop.

The Department of Posts has now got the assignment of conducting survey of un-elctrified house-holds in every village in Odisha. The assignment is received from Ministry of Power, Govt of India, to be completed in one month's time. Staff, particularly GDS working in BOs and Postmen have major role in the work. The survey will be conducted by them. Postmen/GDS who will conduct survey will get incentive of Rs.500/- per revenue village. 

During the survey data will be collected for every village. Target area is the house-holds not having electricity connection at present.

Data will mainly cover the following points:

1.Name of Sarpanch and his mobile number.

2.Hamlets/ Sahi, if any under the village  and their names.

3. Name of the head of each house-hold which has no electricity connection.

4. Aadhaar and mobile number of the head of household.

5. Wherher the household belongs  to APL or BPL Category. If BPL, what is the BPL Card number?

6. Approximate distance of house not having electricity connection, from the nearest electric pole and Sub-Station.

No household of any village will be left without survey.

Staff having smart phone will find it easy for conducting survey. Collected data will be fed into computer system for those who conduct survey using manual mode.

Sub- Divisional Heads will call all Postmen, O/S Mails and GDS BPMs and other selected GDS for conducting training-cum- workshop within next 2-3 days. Detailed information will be given in the workshop.
All BPMs and SPMs/Postmen in rural area are requested to remain in touch with Sarpanches of the GPs covered by their respective delivery area to get their help in the survey work.

The Department having very big network has been asked to utlise the network for the survey. 

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