
Monday, October 23, 2017

Divisional Secretary writes to SPOs for Smooth Roll Out of CSI


I am concerned to draw your special attention to the following facts

1.Although CSI Roll out is to be effected on 27.10.2017 in Dhenkanal Division, most of the SPMs and staff are still in darkness on how to prepare themselves for successful implementation. Written guidelines may be issued to all in this regard

2. In view of the difficulty faced by staff where it has been recently implemented, Printed booklet or PDF file on CSI may be circulated in writing. Specially in consultation with technical experts of this Division, a simplified point to point specific note regarding CSI work may be compiled and circulated so that the difficulties faced in Cuttack City Division or Tamilnadu Circle resulting non functioning of SOs and HOs for days together is not repeated in Dhenkanal Division.

3.In certain offices, UPS and printer and even Sify connectivity are yet to be restored.The Numeric and  Sify technicians are not responding to complaints promptly. For example Dhenkanal College SO and Hulurisinga SO. Sometimes it takes months together for technicians to attend and restore. Some  Modem ,router ,computers, printers, batteries, UPS may be kept as standby devices for emergency use.

4.A control room may be opened, at least for a fortnight with Tel no to attend any problem faced by Offices

5.All other precautions as required may perhaps be taken for meeting the challenges of the new scheme.

Merely for the sake of introduction of CSI,the staff may not be put under unnecessary apprehension and tension arising out of want of connectivity, power, technical support, specific guidelines and practical help, as the training imparted so far is felt  to be insufficient and ambiguous.

With regards

P.K Sahu

Divn Secy AIPEU Gr C 


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