
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Postal JCA, Bhubaneswar writes to SSPOs, Bhubaneswar to stop outsourcing of booking and delivery of Registered, Speed Post and Parcels

Dear Comrades,
All on a sudden, SSPOs, Bhubaneswar has issued a public notice in some popular local daily newspapers regarding booking and delivery of Registered, Speed Post and Parcels etc through outsourced agencies.

In strong protest against such arbitrary decision of the SSPOs, Bhubaneswar Division, Postal JCA, Bhubaneswar is going to organize a lunch our demonstration in front of the Divisional Office, Bhubaneswar on 26.10.2017.

In this context, Postal JCA, Bhubaneswar has already registered its protest before the SSPOs, Bhubaneswar. A copy of the JCA letter is reproduced below for kind reference of our members.

As such, all the comrades of NFPE, Bhubaneswar are requested to remain present in the campus of Divisional office during lunch hour on 26.10.2017 and make the demonstration programme successful.

With struggle greetings.

Ghanashyma Panda
Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE)
Bhubaneswar Division
Sudhir Kumar Swain
Secy, AIPEU, Postman & MTS
Bhubaneswar Division
Dipti Ranjan Mohanty
Secretary, AIPEU, Gr.-C
Bhubaneswar Division

Postal Joint Council of Action
National Federation of Postal Employees
(AIPEU, Group-C & AIPEU, Postman & MTS)
All India Postal Employees Union GDS
Bhubaneswar Divisional Branch

No. Postal JCA / BBSR / 2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar 25th October, 2017
The Senior Superintendent of Post Offices
Bhubaneswar Division
Bhubaneswar – 751 009

Sub:   Request to stop outsourcing of booking and delivery of Registered, Speed Post and Parcels

Respected Sir,
It has come to the notice of NFPE, Bhubaneswar that a public notice has been issued in some popular local daily newspapers regarding booking and delivery of Registered, Speed Post and Parcels etc through outsourced agencies.

In this context, we would like to intimate that our staff members are smoothly performing the above duties with every sincerity and there is no reason to outsource such activities.

While NFPE, Bhubaneswar strongly opposes such proposal of the SSPOs, Bhubaneswar, sincerely requests to drop it to avoid any kind of dislocation / complicacies in future.

Expecting your immediate kind response Sir.

Yours faithfully,

Ghanashyma Panda
Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE)
Bhubaneswar Division
Sudhir Kumar Swain
Secy, AIPEU, Postman & MTS
Bhubaneswar Division
Dipti Ranjan Mohanty
Secretary, AIPEU, Gr.-C
Bhubaneswar Division

Copy for kind information and necessary action to:

1.    All Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions, Odisha Circle. 
2.    The General Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ, , Dada Ghosh Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 008.
3.    The Secretary General, NFPE, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi – 110 001

Ghanashyma Panda
Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE)
Bhubaneswar Division
Sudhir Kumar Swain
Secy, AIPEU, Postman & MTS
Bhubaneswar Division
Dipti Ranjan Mohanty
Secretary, AIPEU, Gr.-C
Bhubaneswar Division

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