
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Adjustment of advance shown as part of cash at Sub offices

Department of Posts: India

Office of the Supdt. of Post Offices: Dhenkanal Division






 The Postmaster

 Angul HO/Dhenkanal HO/Talcher MDG/ Nalconagar MDG

All SPMs  under Dhenkanal Division.


No. J-/Rlg-Misc dated at  Dhenkanal the 31.10.2017


Sub-Adjustment of advance shown as part of cash at Sub offices.


     Please refer to this office letter  no J/Misc/Dkl Divn dtd 11.08.2017 and letter no E/Plg-Genl/98 dated 15.09.2017 on the above noted subjected. In this connection all concerned are   directed  to submit all the pending bills/vouchers in connection with purchase fuels/stationeries and any other expenditures and remained unadjusted to this office immedieately for necessary sanction. 


          Further,  part of cash should not be retained in the SOs.As such all SPMs are requested to transfer the part of cash amount to HO immedieately.



                                                                                                                       Dhenkanal  Division

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