
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Martyrs Day September 19-1968


Comrades, 1968 sep 19th Glorious struggle---50th year starts ......... ..............After independence  central govt. Employees launched glorious struggles in 1960 and 1968 for minimum wage,DA etc... In 1968 sep 19 after  govt.rejected our important demands of Need based minimum wage, merger of DA, a true  scientific formula for  DA (even now we are cheated) our comrades went on one day strike on 19.09.1968.  The Congress govt. launched severe attack with droconian measures like ESMA,esseclal device act,arrest , increment cut,device cut, promotion cut....etc. etc.   This was more attack than British raj before independence .The most inhuman barbaric act was killing of 9 comrades by different methods .So our comrades sacrificed their life for our cause. Their sacrifices could not be written in words. That's why inspire of these draconian measures still we are fighting .....from the same day in 1984 onwards.... including 17 one day general strikes against the anti people, anti labour and anti youth policies. ..... But now from few quarters we heard that  some comrades not ready to lose even one day wages,for one day strike.  Some not reluctant for transfers  and small punishments .. We should remember that still now we are enjoying pay.DA, bonus ,pension leave and other benefits because off our predecessors serious struggles and sacrifices only. The trade union movement achieved only through struggles.  So if we want to continue these present benefits and also for achieving more ,further to safeguard our position, we have to follow the traditions of the martyrs of sep 19,1968 .
Long live Martyrs day!
Workers unity long live!!

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