
Monday, September 18, 2017

Drop in regular workforce a cause for worry, says trade union leader

Secretary of Indian Industrial Relations Society of India Pravin Sinha addressing the fifth Congress of CFTUI, in Visakhapatnam on Sunday.  

CFTUI urges government to focus on job generation

The policies of the Union and State governments are positive with increasing emphasis on productivity and business. But the emphasis on the condition of workers is relegated to second position, according to secretary of Indian Industrial Relations Society Pravin Sinha.

During the last three to four years, there was increasing growth in spite of slowing down of the economy not only in India but the world over. But increasingly movement of regular workforce to casual and contract categories was taking place, he said at the inaugural of the fifth Congress of Confederation of Free Trade Unions of India (CFTUI).

Another disturbing developing was increasing automation in manufacturing sector. In smaller enterprises and big ones in automobile sector replacement of workforce with machines with the excuse the global demand of quality can be met with mechanisation. As a result, focus on employment was lost, said Mr. Sinha.

He expressed concern over the increasing of share of profit of investors and the production process becoming capital intensive.

The congress would focus on negatively impacted workers, the need for governments focussing on employment generation and improving conditions of work, what the ILO calls decent work agenda, said Mr. Sinha.

World Solidarity Movement Asia coordinator Bruno Deceukelier said together with CFTUI a survey was conducted in 10 States with focus on workers in informal sectors like agriculture, construction and domestic and their living conditions.

They worked on getting minimum wages to workers. He lauded the growth of CFTUI over the last few years.

CIFTU national president N. Kanaka Rao expressed apprehension over the welfare of workers with the 44 labour laws being consolidated and said the congress opposed it. Already the collection of cess in cement, dolomite and iron ore industries was done away with.

He said CFTUI, with 18 lakh membership in 21 states and working in 14 sectors, was recognised by International Trade Union Confederation on par with INTUC, HMS and SEWA.

It has the biggest membership of 1.5 lakh domestic workers in 11 States.

Kanagarani Selva Kumar, representing ILO, New Delhi, CFTUI general secretary Neeraj Chouby, working presidents S.N. Dubey and K.K. Jha and vice-president Maya Pandey participated in the two-day congress, being held for the first time in South India. Over 300 delegates are participating in it.

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