
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Circle Union writes to NFPE on forthcoming agitational programmes of NFPE / Confederation.

No. P3NFPE – Odisha / 06 – 09 / 2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 12th September, 2017
Com. R N Parashar
Secretary General, NFPE
North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001

Sub:- Forthcoming agitational programmes of NFPE / Confederation.

Ref.- NFPE Circular No. PF – 01(a)/2017, dated 11.09.2017

Respected Comrade,
While forwarding the NFPE Circular referred to above to the Divisional Secretaries / Circle Union Office bearers, we are receiving several reactions on the Charter of Demands from grass root level leadership and members as well.

Though there are 12 Points Charter of Demands for regular issues affecting the common citizens of India and 21 points Charter of Demands for all Central Govt. employees in general, the grass root level leadership are suggesting some specific issues of the postal employees in particular to be included in the Charter of Demands as follows.

i. Five working days in a week for postal operative staff.

ii. Change of designation on each promotion (LSG/Grade-I, HSG-II/Grade-II and HSG-I/Grade-III) (if considered, Demand No. 11 of the Confederation may be modified accordingly)

iii. No meeting/mela/workshop/seminar on Sundays and Govt. Holidays. (All the orders issued earlier in this regard instructs not to hold such meeting/mela/workshop/seminar frequently for which the administration has got the scope for conducting on several Sundays/Holidays with a reply that they are not conducting frequently).

iv. Ensure payment of wages to the casual workers as per recommendations of the 6th and 7thCPC. (While the payment as per 6thCPC has been paid partially, the same as per 7th CPC has not at all been paid yet in many Circles. As such, Demand No. 5 of the Confederation may be modified accordingly, if considered)

Hope, our CHQ will reexamine inclusion of the above demands in the charter.

With regards.
Comradely yours,

Circle Secretary

Copy for kind information and necessary action to Com. M Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation of C G Employees and Workers, New Delhi-110 001.

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