
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

AIPRPA 2nd AIC held Successfully! - Flash news from Com. KR :-


        The 2nd AIC of AIPRPA CHQ has successfully concluded at M.Basavapunnaiah Vignana Kendram Vijayawada named after departed leader S.K.Vyas Nagar. The AIC held for two days on 17-18 September in Comrade D.Gnaniah hall under the presidentship of CHQ President comrade D.K.Rahate.

The AIC that was inaugurated by CITU National Vice President comrade A.K.Padmanabhan and addressed by leaders of various organizations including Comrades KKN.Kutty, M.Krishnan, D.Gopalakrishnan, K.G.Jayaraj, S.S.Roy, C.C.Pillai, K.V.Sridharan and T.Narasimhan was an inspiring conference. Full report of this AIC will shortly appear in our website.

A new team of 35 Office Bearers and Executive Members was elected unanimously with Comrades D.K.Rahate (President); K.Ragavendran (General Secretary) and Shankarpal Singh (Treasurer).

The CHQ Advisors Comrades C.C.Pillai and K.V.Sridharan will continue as CHQ advisors. Comrade M.Krishnan SG Confederation is one of the elected 18 Executive Members.

The complete list of Office Bearers is as follows:

President: D.K.Rahate (Maharashtra)

Vice Presidents:

1) T.Narasimhan (Telengana)

2) T.P.Mishra (U.P)

3) B.M.Sunda (Rajasthan)

4) H.V.Kurup ( Kerala)

5) Rajendra Prasad Verma (Delhi)

6) K.P.Panigrahi (Chhattisgarh)

7) N.Nageswararao (Andhra)

General Secretary: K.Ragavendran (TN)

Joint Secretaries:

1) Surinderpal (Punjab)

2) G.C.Joshi (M.P)

3) N.C.Pillai (Kerala)

4) R.N.Dhal (Odisha)

5) S.K.Humayun (Andhra)

6) M.Z.Khan (Jharkhand)

7) D.K.Debnath (Assam)

Treasurer: Shankarpal Singh (Delhi) 


1) M.Krishnan (Kerala)

2) Mangesh Parab ( Maharashtra)

3) Deep Chand (Delhi)

4) CH.V.Ramarao (Telengana)

5) R.Seethalakshmi (Karnataka)

6) Arya Devi (Kerala)

7) V.Janakiraman (Karnataka)

8) S.Santhanaraman (Tamilnadu)

9) K.Shanmugasundaram Raj (Tamilnadu)

10) V.A.Mohanan (Kerala)

11) B.P.Shastri Ganak (M.P)

12) H.L.Sidhu (Haryana)

13) N.D.Sharma (Himachal)

14) Kaushik Chakraborti (Meghalaya)

15) R.K.Maipak Sana (Manipur)

16) H.Rangthuama (Mizoram)

17) Achudananda Das (Assam)

18) K.Rajarao (Andhra)

Resolutions adopted on problems of Pensioners and on Organization will shortly exhibited in website.

Congratulations to the newly elected office bearers of AIPRPA

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