
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

History of P & T trade union movement - a book written by Com VAN Namboodiri was released at AIC Bengaluru!


The newly published book ” History of P and T Trade Union Movement” authored by Com.V.A.N.Namboodiri, Founder General Secretary of BSNLEU, was released on 6th August 2017 by veteran TU leader Comrade Tapan Sen, M.P. General Secretary CITU by handing over to Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation of C.G.Employees and former Secretary General NFPE, in the Annual Conference of the All India Postal Employees Union Group C being held at Bengaluru. The book is published by Com. R.N.Parashar, Secretary General of NFPE and GS oF P.III Union.

The book chronicles the history of the Posts and Telegraphs in India, the formation of unions in Posts and Telegraphs in the first decade of the last century, the formation of UPTW, NFPTE, the historical strikes organised in 1919, 1946, 1960, 1968, 1974, 1982 etc. and also the various developments in the sector. Brief notes on the lives and activities of the founder fathers and other leaders are also given. Foreword and introduction of the book is written by Com.A.K.Padmanabhan, Vice-President, CITU, Com.M.Krishnan and Com.R.N.Parashar. The book is priced at Rs.100/-.

Com. AKP, in his introduction states:
” I am aware that there are books in different languages covering some aspects of the book. But I have not come across one covering all aspects dealt with by the author. I am sure that in the hands of the young generation of employees, who are struggling to carry forward the militant tradition of the class oriented trade union movement, this book will also be a tool to advance the cause.
Without understanding the history, we will never be able to successfully plan our future.”

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