
Friday, August 4, 2017

Guidelines to Sub Offices for smooth function of SB Branch work and avoid Objections from SBCO

please note the following Guidelines to adhere your day to day work.

  This is regarding omissions, commissions and mistakes occurred in SB transaction  and  the reason for raising OMs are brought  to your notice  for future guidance and to  avoid such mistakes in future.  All are requested to pay an additional effort to minimize these mistakes and reduce the number of OMs.

1. The vouchers should be serially arranged, stitched and sealed intact.

2. In case of CBS office, the vouchers should be arranged by the transaction ID wise. Only consolidation will be prepared by two copies with dated signature and total number of Dep and Wdl with amount by words and figures. One should be sent to HO along with Vouchers and another should be filed by category wise as office copy.

3. In respect of withdrawals allowed at Sub Office, compulsorily the SS should be verified by the SB counter PA irrespective of the amount.  When the amount exceeds Rs.5000/-, SPM also should verify and put his full signature in the appropriate place in token of having verified.

4. SB3/AOF with KYC should be preserved by sub offices itself vide SB order 14/2015       dated19.10.2015.       

5. Closure vouchers (SB - 7A) should invariably attach with SB-3/AOF which do not have KYC documents. SB3/AOF having KYC should be retained by the office and a remark should be made in the SB7A form “SB3/AOF with KYC retained”

6. All payment of the deceased claim case should invariably be made only by crossed cheque or SB Credit (SB accounts opened with KYC compliance)

7. Date stamps should be impressed legibly in the SB3 cards/AOF, Consolidation and vouchers.

8. The Closed Passbooks are need not to be sent along with the closed warrants as per SB order 05/2016 dated 21.0.2016. When the amount of  withdrawal (except SB WDL) / closure exceeds Rs.19,999/-,  payment should  be effected only by crossed cheque  or by giving credit in Savings account of the depositor,  where the Cheque   Number or SB A/C Number should be noted in the acquaintance portion of the SB-7/ SB-7(a).

9.      SB-103 and SB-7 should be prepared and attached along with regular voucher for automatic credit from MIS/TD/SCSS to SB and SB to RD.  

10.      List of holidays should be configured in the SO (Sanchy Post, Non CBS offices) system then and there to avoid non-accounting of auto credits on holidays.

11.      All RD bulk lists are to be attached with the Consolidation, where the new account numbers should be invariably noted in RED INK.

12.      Normally Messenger service is not allowed for all Closure.  When it is specifically required, the Payment should be made to the messenger only through account payee cheque drawn in favour of the depositor, after receiving the letter of authorization from the depositor.

13.      In case of closure by transfer, the SB-10B and KYC collected should be attached with SB7A and the closure intimation should be given to the office where the account was opened by Registered Post for making remarks on SB3/AOF at the end. (SB order 14/2015 dated 19.10.2015)

14.      RD bulk postings are to be made on the same day of acceptance. (For Non CBS Offices only) 

15.      Necessary certificate should be obtained both on the application and payment order side, while making payment made to illiterate depositor Witness should also be obtained with full address.

16.      For all accounts opened, depositors and investors should be advised to make nomination.  Witness should be obtained with full address if nomination registered.  In case of minor is nominated, a guardian should be appointed to receive the money during the minority of minor.

17.  When the deposit/withdrawal is Rs.50,000/- or above, PAN particulars/form-60/form-61 to be obtained.

18.  Duplicate passbooks for all category should be issued by HO only vide SB order 05/2016 dated 21.06.2016.    

19.  All cheques for clearing should be sent to HO for lodging and clearing. 

20.  Account transfer/certificate transfer should be sent to HO along with documents after processing in HCCA menu by the SO. In HO HCCS and HCCA menu will be processed. SO and HO should maintain separate register and guard file for HO and SOs separately for entering such requests and keeping the documents. {SB order 05/2016 addendum –II dated 10.11.2016.}

21.  Pledging and pledge releasing should be done by the HO by using HAFSM menu for the sub offices which do not have two supervisors. {Vide SB order No 05/2016 dated 21.06.2016}.

22.  Each and every PA should make Teller Cash account ZERO before start of End of Day. {Vide SB order No 05/2016 dated 21.06.2016}.

23.  Revival of silent accounts shall be done at HO only for SO’s and HO both. SOs have to enter application for revival in the register to be maintained and send application for revival with prescribed KYC form in duplicate with KYC documents to HO on the day of receipt HO will verify the signatures with the system and ensure proper KYC documents have been taken. HO will first un freeze the account by using HAFSM and then modify the status from Dormant to Active. HO will return the application to SO along with one KYC form and KYC documents duly signed mentioning date of revival and one copy of KYC form will be sent to CPC. SO shall maintain a separate guard file to keep these applications and KYC documents as well as KYC form which will be checked by visitng/inspecting authorities.{Vide SB order No 05/2016 dated 21.06.2016}.

24.  No BPM should accept cash deposit transaction for more than Rs.25000/- in any account in a day. {Vide SB order No 05/2016 dated 21.06.2016}.

25.  All POSB cheques issued by any CBS Post office if presented at any CBS post office should be treated as AT PAR cheques and should not be sent for clearing. No POSB cheque for more than Rs.25000/- should be accepted at other SOLs in a day. {Vide SB order No 05/2016 dated 21.06.2016}.

26.  POSB cheques of the other offices can be accepted for opening of new accounts irrespective of the amount. 
{ Vide SB order No 05/2016 addendum dated 04.08.2016}.

27.  Aadhaar number should be entered in the field “Unique Id” available in the option document details in CIF modification menu.

28.  Customers should not be forced (except accounts opened in BOs) to present passbook while deposit/withdrawal in CBS Post offices. Presentation of Passbook by customer and updation of Passbook instantly mandatory if the account stands in any BO. {Vide SB order No 05/2016 addendum dated 04.08.2016}. 

29.       Closure of all discontinued scheme accounts/ Certificates including NSS 87 or NSS 92 should be done by HO only. SPM should verify the balance and signature on the account closure form and then depositor should be asked to approach HO and the closure amount should be paid only by crossed cheque or credit into savings accounts. No cash payment should be made. {Vide SB order No 05/2016 addendum dated 04.08.2016}.

30.  Sale of pre-printed NSC and KVP stopped w.e.f 01.07.2016.

There will be No denomination of NSC or KVP. NSC VIII issue can be issued for Minimum Rs.100/- and in multiple of Rs.100/- only. For example, NSC for Rs.5450/- cannot be issued. Similarly KVPs can be issued for minimum of Rs.1000/- and in multiple of Rs.1000/- only.

In CBS office, user has to open account in menu CMISAOP and same has to be verified in CMISAOP by selecting scheme code as NSC16 and KVP16. For Sanchay post using office new block registration number has to be issued and old registration number should be stopped from 01.07.2016.

After opening account, passbook has to be issued instead of pre-printed certificates.

Procedure of issue of duplicate certificate will remain the same except that no pre-printed duplicate certificate is to be issued. 

     Generation/preparation of certificate issue journal shall be stopped from 01.07.2016. CBS offices and Sanchay Post offices shall generate LOT for NSC and KVP from 01.07.2016. For the NSC and KVPs issued from 01.07.2016, NSC and KVP issue return sent to DAP (CC bridge) stands abolished. However designated PA who was comparing NSC/KVP issue journals received from SOs and Prepared by HO with SO summary and HO summary shall continue to compare the amount of issue mentioned in NSC/KVP LOT and consolidation of each SO and HO with SO summary and HO summary. 

     For discharge of already issued certificates, there will be no change in procedure. For closure of new NSC/KVPs issued from 01.07.2016, detailed procedure will be issued. {Vide SB order No 06/2016 dated 23.06.2016}.

          It is requested to follow the above instructions, besides the rules and instructions issued by the department then and there. It is to be noted that, the rules framed and instruction issued by the department will supersedes the above instruction and always hold good.   

Compiled by : M.Rajendran, Dindigul Division, Tamilnadu 

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