
Friday, June 9, 2017

Notice to hold the Circle Council-Cum-Working Committee Meeting of AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha Circle at Hotel K P’s Salunki, FCI Square, Main Road, Phulbani – 762001 from 07.07.2017 to 09.07.2017

No. P3NFPE – Odisha / 02 – 06 / 2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 9thJune, 2017


Notice is hereby given under Article 32 (a) of the Constitution of All India Postal Employees Union, Group – C to hold the Circle Council-Cum-Working Committee Meeting of AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha Circle at Hotel K P’s Salunki, FCI Square, Main Road, Phulbani – 762001 from 07.07.2017 to 09.07.2017.

The following shall be the agenda for discussion.

1. Confirmation of the proceedings of last emergent CWC held at Bhubaneswar on 26.02.2017.

2. Organizational Review :
i. Review of Confederation’s One Day Strike on 16.03.2017.
ii. Review of local agitational programmes – One day dharana programme by Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions, Odisha Circle in front of Circle Office on 19.04.2017.
iii. Collection of new membership during April-2017 by Divisional Unions.
iv. Administrative irregularity in treating the unrecognized Union / Federation.
v. Periodical meetings with Divisional / Regional Heads and Circle Head.
vi. Reconstitution of RJCM, Odisha Circle.
vii. NFPE and Confederation Coordination Committee, Odisha Circle.
viii. Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO), Odisha Circle.
ix. Forthcoming agitational programmes by NFPE culminating to one day nationwide strike on 23.08.2017.

3. Cadre Restructuring Proposal and post Implementation issues in Odisha Circle:
i. Arbitrary deputation of LSG officials to work against non-LSG posts.
ii. Irregular modification of posting orders keeping the senior LSG officials outside the parent Division.
iii. Forceful deployment of TSPAs to work against sanctioned LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I posts.

4. Local issues :
i. Transfer of LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I Postmasters on the plea of completion of Station Tenure
ii. Non-payment of Scheduled / Tribal Area Allowance as per recommendations of 6thCPC
iii. Unachievable target in BD/POSB/PLI & RPLI and exploitation to employees compelling for irregular opening of Accounts in contravention to SB Order No. 11/2011 and 14/2011
iv. Non-creation of posts and dragging of officials from existing establishment for deployment in different CPCs and Hubs.
v. Continuous deputation of P As from Divisions to Circle Office / PSD / CSD / Postal Printing Press.
vi. Problems of women employees.
vii. Other Divisional / Regional issues.

5. Re-organization of Postal Divisions in Odisha Circle and our stand.

6. Problems of GDS and Casual Workers in Odisha Circle.

7. Seventh CPC related issues.

8. Problems arising out of Modernization of Postal Services and Technological advancement.
i. Problems in FSI.
ii. Outdated hardware/accessories without AMC.

9. 31st AIC at Bengaluru from 6th to 8thAugust, 2017 and Odisha Circle .

10. Financial Review: Up-to-date remittance of Quota by Divisions to Circle Union, CHQ and NFPE.

11. Policy and Programme.

12. Resolutions.

13. Venue for next CWC & CCC.

14. Any other item with permission of the chair.

Circle Secretary
Copy for information and necessary action: (Through eMail):

1. The Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar – 751 001 with kind request to instruct all Divisional / Regional Heads for granting Special Casual Leave as admissible to all the Circle Union Office Bearers, Divisional Secretaries and Circle Councilors.
2. Com. Trilochan Parida, President, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha Circle.
3. All the Divisional Secretaries / Circle Union Office bearers / Circle Councilors.
4. Com. R N Parashar, General Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151 / 1, New Patel Road, New Delhi – 110 008.
5. Com. Rabi Narayan Choudhury, Divisional Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Phulbani Division for making necessary arrangements to conduct the meeting.
6. Notice Board

Circle Secretary

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